Chapter 3 Live with the Band

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Elsa's POV

It all happened so fast. When the song was over I just stood there facing the crowd.

"Alright everyone, we're taking a quick break. Let's bring out intermission number by the hilarious Max. Let's give him a hand!" The lead singer said.

He then faced me and lead me back stage. It was amazing, there was a sofa, drinks, snacks.

"Take a seat" He said. And I did.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your name. I'm Zayn Malik (let it be, it really was Zayn in my dream, honest. But the rest of the band wasn't One Direction.)"

"Elsa Arendale."

"Nice to meet you Elsa." He held out his hand and I shook it.

"Elsa! Over here!" Jen screamed while waving her hands at me. She's blocked by the security.

"Your friends?" Zayn asked.


"They're cool let them in Ray" Zayn said to the security guy who's name must be Ray.

My friends got in and squealed.

"Elsa that was amazing!" "I didn't know you could sing like that!" "Out of this world!" They all said together and I didn't know which question to answer first.

"We'll we're starting again, stay here as log as you like but don't leave yet. I'm introducing you to the band." Zayn said.

"Okay." I said.

"Would you prefer to listen here? Or be back outside?"

"Outside is better." Keith answered.

"Okay then you're going to need these." He handed us 7 backstage passes, one for each of us. "For you to get back here after the concert."

Then he left. They all went back up the stairs that lead to the stage. Then me and my friends went out and back to the front row.

Skip to the end of the concert

There was a quick autograph signing and we were at the last of the line for thos who want to get backstage.

Soon we got in and we were greeted by Zayn.

"Hey! It's you!" He said.

"Guys! Come over here!" Zayn called the rest of the band.

"This is Elsa and her friends."

"Hey! It's the singer!" Said one with the mow-hawk.

"Hi!" They all said.

"Hi!" Me and my friends said.

Jen stepped forward and shook the hand of the guy with the green eyes. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Jenna, 17, single and a virgin."

"Uhhh... Logan Lest. Guitarist. 19. Complicated." The guy said.

"Oh" Jen said and blushed.

We tried to hold back our laughter but I just kept giggling.

"Sooo.. you've met me, and Logan. So this is Harry Moon, drummer. Dan Jaylar, bass. And Jack Frost, pianist." Zayn said.

They waved and my friends waved back.

"And I'm Elsa. These are my friends Jenna, Kris, Clent, Dave, Nikka, and Keith."

"Why don't we sit down?" Harry Moon said. He's the one with the mow-hawk.

We followed them and sat on the sofa, gathered all the chairs around.

"Your band is amazing" Nikka said.

"Thank you" they all said.

"Where did you learn that song?" Zayn asked.

"Love won't die? Oh I just heard it on the internet. I was wandering around, clicking random videos and I ran into this song which had no title and I listened to it over and over again because it sounds really great." I answered.

"You have a beautiful voice." Jack said.

I blushed. "It's not that beautiful."

"Oooohhhhhh... we're telling Francis!" Dave teased.

"Your boyfriend?" Jack asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Where is he now?"

"At a sport competition. He plays soccer."

"We should take pictures!" Kris said excitedly.

"Yeah! Let's!" Zayn said.

Then my girl friends jumped on Zayn and they took a lot of selfies.

"Yeah! C'mon!" Jack said as he wrapped his arm around mine. I was surprised to what he did but I went with the flow.

"I'll have my selfie first." He said

I laughed and l laid my forehead on his shoulder (I don't know why I did that in the dream)

"Alright here" Jack said.

His arm was still around mine and I didn't let it bother me. And we smiled at the camera.

After moments and after a billion selfies were taken we finally had enough.

"Hey, uh, the band could use your voice or your opinions on future songs maybe we could contact you." Jack said as he rubbed behind his neck with his hand.

"Umm..okay." I wrote my email on a piece of paper. I knew better than to give my phone number because celebrities don't give out their numbers to fans.


So it ends there for now. Yeah! Jack is finally in the story! I made him the pianist cuz I have a plan for him and I think you can already guess what.

So I just made up that song. It was just words really. I'm even trying to sing it right now. So weird.

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