Chapter 58 Silence of the Heart

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Third Person POV

Anger surges in her body and she pulls her hand to slap his face but he has a good grip on that hand and kept control of his face so the other pairs wouldn't notice them.

"Aww, I miss you too," Francis said which disgusted her more than his actual face. Elsa turned her head to look for Anna but Francis blocked her view and made her dance again. "Now I came here to thank you." Elsa looks up at the man who lead her on for months with a confused face.

"For what?" Francis makes Elsa spin in place then hold her firmly and stares down at her like an animal would to its prey.

"Well because of you little darling, Astrid's entire family now wants to murder me and they told my father about the things you said and now he disowned me too." He smiles in an evil way at her.

"Serves you right," Elsa spatted the words like they're poison in her mouth. "Oh but I didn't just come here to say sweet things to your ear, no. I came here to make you pay." His eyes and smile made a face she's never seen before, it has become someone she doesn't recognize. Maybe this is the real Francis, the lion finally shows his claws.

Elsa's heart is beginning to race, what kind of payment could he want? She lifted her right hand faster than she thought she could and it made contact to his face with a loud slap that the people around them looked their way. Francis was stunned for a second but he recovers fast and grabbed Elsa's wrist tight. "Don't think for a second that that Frost guy can save you now." He was going to say more but Francis' face veered to the left and his body followed suit almost dragging Elsa by the arm to the ground with him if she wasn't standing firmly on her feet. "Maybe I just did." A voice too familiar came from the spot where Francis was just standing. Elsa was surprised to see him, he doesn't even come to this school how could he have gotten in? She'll just ask him later.

She turned to where Francis was and found him being dragged away by- the members of the band! They're all here. Francis was gagged with a cloth in between his lips so he wouldn't cause any more commotion.

"Mind if I cut in?" Elsa turned her attention back to the guy who saved her, the guy with silver hair, the guy who tried his best to keep her away from that man who was just dragged out of the room. He has his hand stretched out in front of her and Elsa didn't give much of an expression as she placed her hand on top of his. They both walk slowly towards each other their breaths shaky. Jack hesitantly places his hand on Elsa's hip, Elsa places her hand lightly on his shoulder as if she'll get burned if she carelessly land her hand there. Jack takes the first step and Elsa follows suit. Breaking the silence, Jack began to speak.

"I'm sorry about tha-"

"Shh..." cut off by Elsa he closed his mouth. "Let's just dance."

Elsa became thankful for the dim lights in the room so Jack couldn't see her blushing. Jack lead her around the dance floor and the soft music was at the chorus and they danced in time of the tune. Jack isn't graceful, but he isn't bad either. They spin around the room and felt as if they were the only two people dancing to the song. It felt right to be in his arms, it felt like home. As the bridge of the song came Elsa steps closer to Jack until she lays her cheek on his chest and closes her eyes and swayed to the slow motion they were at now. Jack was afraid that she'll be able to hear his heart beating loudly in his chest. If she does, he only hopes she knows it's beating for her. He slowly wrapped both his arms around her back and Elsa wraps her arms around his neck. Both afraid that if they'll loosen their grip just a bit something bad would happen. He's afraid that she'll break, and she's holding on to him to keep herself from breaking.

The music came to an end and Jack asks if they could step outside for a moment. They sat on the hood of the van that the band brought again and Elsa's dress was like a shimmering waterfall in daylight at the side of the car. Silence is upon them and Jack doesn't know what to say to her, he's beginning to regret for asking her to come outside with him but he needed fresh air. He couldn't breath inside because of his pounding heart, he realized his love for her was suffocating but the good kind. Still not saying a single word to each other they both just stare at the freckled beauty that's shining brightly above them.

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