Chapter 57 What a Threat

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Elsa's POV

Sitting on the sofa is the best place to be rather than in a room filled with people and noise. A knock ont the door has me on my feet to see Kristoff in his black tuxedo.

"Suits you well." I said smiling at him.

"Thanks." His eyes run down on my body but not in a seductive way and his brows almost meet in the middle. "So you're not going huh?"

"Nope, I'd rather stay here and watch comedy shows and drama movies and away from the judgment of people." I turn around to see my sister at the top of the stairs with her hair up and a green off-shoulder dress. Kristoff follows my gaze and his face lights up. "Anna you look beautiful."

"Do you think so?"

"Yes." Kristoff speaks up from beside me and he walks up to take my sister's hand and guide her down the stairs.

Mom comes down after Anna with the camera in her hand. They take a few pictures and I help fix their clothes and hair to look even better in them like a personal assistant in a movie or something.

"You sure you're not going?" Anna asked me before leaving and I nod my head in answer. She smiles at me as says she'll be back before midnight.

"Don't be such a Cinderella, enjoy the night." I teasingly say to her. She takes Kristoff's arm and walks out the door.

Mom sits beside me on the sofa and tries to watch with me but I know she wants to say something. I can tell because she keeps shifting on her seat.

"Say it mom, I won't bite." She turns her head to me and her face softens.

"Honey I'm not forcing you to go to the ball, I've never forced you and Anna to do anything at all. I'm just-" she pauses to find the right words. "I don't believe I've told you about my junior year ball." I swayed my head from left to right in answer. "Well I didn't go that year because it wasn't for me, all the dresses and the shoes and the make up was exhausting to think about. I didn't even have a date to go with me that night. So I stayed home and read a book until I fell asleep on the living room. On Monday morning people were all fussing about that night and how they had so much fun and I couldn't talk to my friends without feeling left out. It was wrong for me to feel that way because it was my own decision but I couldn't help feeling sad about it. On my way home that same day I passed by my favorite dress shop and saw the beautiful A-line dress that I've been eyeing for weeks. I adored its shape, the rose designs on it and just how pretty it looks on the window."

"But isn't that the dress you wore when you were at your Senior ball with dad?" I asked.

"It is, let me finish first. Standing outside the shop, I couldn't help but think about what would have happened if I went to the ball, if I wore that dress, if I changed my mind. So I went in the shop and bought that dress and kept it at the top of my cabinet and saved it for a special occasion. To my surprise that special occasion was a year after and our Senior Ball. I decided to go to fix my 'what ifs' and I went with my friends, I didn't need a date but I ended up leaving the party with one. That's where I met your dad and I didn't know he was 'the one' that night but fate lead us to this and it lead to you." She held my face with her one hand. "What I'm telling you is I was lucky I had a second chance, but you won't have a second chance. You'll be stuck with what ifs for the rest of your life and I don't want that for you. It may not be as fun as you had last year with him" she emphasized the 'him', "but at least you'll have your friends and you have Anna now. It's her first ball and she wants to share that memory with her sister. You don't need a date, you have yourself and if people talk about that 'situation' just ignore them and keep your head held high." She kissed my forehead before getting off the sofa. "If you need me I'll be upstairs."

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