Chapter 53 Cold

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Jack wondered where to go but he asked the taxi driver to just drive down a couple of blocks. Elsa couldn't have gone far, but if she got into a taxi she's probably on her way home. Home, he thought. She might be there.

When Jack arrived at Elsa's gates he noticed that the lights were off and the gate is closed. She's not home. If she didn't come home then where could she be? Jack's heart was pounding, he was worried. He knew he broke her heart, but what did he expect? She'll leap of happiness finding out her boyfriend cheated and used her. Or maybe she'll jump into his arms because all of her friends knew about the whole thing and never told her a peep.

He took a deep breath and tried to relax. He thought that if he were a girl with a broken heart, where would he go. He's never been heart broken before, until now. Just because Elsa bleeds so much right now, doesn't mean he isn't. He rummaged through his memories thinking about everything Elsa has told him.

Then it hit him and he took the first taxi that came to view. Time felt like it was running and it seems like the world was in slow motion. He needed to get there faster. He needed to apologize and keep on apologizing until everything has been forgotten. The road seemed to go on forever and he felt like he's been sitting for hours even though there was no traffic. He couldn't stop his feet from tapping the car floor. His hand was already gripping the door handle ready to pull as soon as he gets there.

He didn't wait for the car to come to a halt and he placed his pay at the seat next to the driver and called out, "keep the change" before going on a sprint. It was almost five and the sun wasn't about to set yet so he still had a clear view of the pathway. Running through leaves and twigs and grass. He's pass the same arrangement of flowers thrice already, he's been going around in circles. He's lost, but he's not giving up. He's never giving up. When he came up to a familiar turn he was so glad to have come to the end of the maze.

He walked very slowly. Very careful not to make a sound. But grass is hard to use as an object for stealth. As he was getting closer, her cries were sounding clearer and louder. His heart was crying too but he needs to be strong. He stood behind her and could now hear her breathing raggedly.

"Get away," Elsa said not looking at him.

Instead of walking away he sat down behind her legs crossed. "You can't hate me too Elsa." He said softly. "If you hate me too then there's no one else left for you to love."

"I have my family," she snapped turning her head a bit.

"You screamed at Anna's face saying you hate her."

"Oh God no!" She cried hard once again with her knees bent and her face leaning on her arms.

Jack moved closer behind her and placed her in his own protective circle made of his legs around her feet. "Shhh...It's alright. It's alright." He brought his chest to her back and embraced her. He made sure that she'd feel his warmth to comfort her and he caressed her soft platinum blonde hair. "You're her sister, she knows you never meant what you said." And it was true. He knows from experience that siblings fight and most of the time the words casted at them aren't meant. Elsa cried with soft hiccups. "It's okay Elsa, I'm right here, you're safe." He turned her body slowly so that she would lean on her side and on his body. "No one can hurt you now." The words shot back at him as he was the one who hurt her. But that line was strongly for the person that started it all. Elsa was too tired to argue with Jack and refuse his comfort. She was angry at Francis, her friends, and at Jack. But she was too tired, exhausted. And for that moment she let herself sink down and keep on crying on Jack's chest. For that moment she knew she was safe and his warmth was very comforting.

Jack was listening to her sobs and hiccups. He knew this was all his fault. If they only told her from the moment he found out at the Bumper Cars everything would've been different. He tried to imagine things if he'd actually told her then. Francis might have fessed up and they'd break-up and Jack would be at Elsa's side. And maybe they'd hit it off and actually put the label on. Or it could go the other way where Francis would drop everything and just be loyal to Elsa fixing their relationship and Jack's feelings towards Elsa would not have grown. A short-cut to happiness with less people involved, less drama, less heartbreak. But there are no short-cuts to life, he just wished it couldn't have been this painful.

Elsa was getting tired and she found herself distracted from the horrible memory of the afternoon by listening to a beating heart. It was wild, beating very fast and it wasn't slowing down. And it wasn't hers. Jack's heart was the best distraction. She wondered why it still hasn't stopped beating fast even though the normal human heart would have recovered from the running he had earlier. But she didn't bother to think further because she didn't care. From then on she decided to shut down her emotions and to not care anymore. Not caring would mean no emotions, no feelings, no more pain. But she was just curious of one thing.

"What was your plan?" she asked with a broken voice before clearing her throat. "What was your plan?"

Jack was pulled out of his thoughts and he looked down at the girl on his chest. "The plan was to make you fall for me and leave Francis so you wouldn't get hurt once we tell you the truth or at least it wouldn't hurt too much." He said. "But it failed. I failed."

"So I was just a mission?" Her voice weak but a little surprise.

"No. No. I did have feelings for you. I do."

"No, you just think you do because you needed me to fall for you."

"N-no. That's not true."

"Anyway, you still failed."

Jack fell silent and didn't know what else to say except for one word. "Sorry."

"It's getting late." Elsa stood up quickly and headed back in to the maze. She didn't wait for Jack to get off the ground but luckily he was quick and he followed her. He wouldn't risk getting lost in the maze again.

"I'll take you home." Jack called behind her.

"No." She said coldly.

"But we live in the same block."

She didn't respond and just kept on walking. He reached out for her hand and she stopped in her tracks.

"Don't touch me." Again, very coldly.

"Els, what are you doing?" He didn't let go of her hand so she pulled it off from his soft grip and began walking out of the maze.

Jack stood there and watched as her back faded away from view and he couldn't believe what he had done. He had broken her and he made her heart turn cold.


Cold Elsa. What can Jack do now?

See you soon my blizzard! :*


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