Chapter 59 All That is Great

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Elsa is sitting on the sofa of the living room watching everyone make small conversation and slowly melt under the sheets. They went on a joy ride and drove around town after they left the party and everyone agreed to have a sleepover at the mansion. They couldn't sleep in the boy's room because of the mess they made so they decided to sleep in one of the living rooms.

Checking the clock on the far wall, Elsa noticed it's almost sunrise. Sleep is getting to her eyes but she wills herself to get off the sofa and try to recall the way to the rooftop. When she arrives to the top she notices another figure and walks up to it. "Mind if I sit beside you?"

Jack looks up to her with sleepy eyes, "sure!". He scooches over to let her sit. "What are you doing here?"

"Probably the same thing are you are." She smiles ahead and Jack turns his head with a surprised look on his face.

"You're on a look out for Francis too?"

"What?" Elsa's forehead crinkles. He's still worried about Francis even though he's been taken back to his house which will more likely be a prison from now on. Elsa wonders if Jack even plans to sleep. "You don't have to worry about him anymore, he's in his father's hands."

"Yeah, but still, you can never be too careful." He looks towards rooftops. Silence takes over for a moment and a soft, warm breeze passes between them causing their scent to spread around. Elsa felt almost nostalgic and remembered the time they were first up here. It felt like it was so long ago but it's only been weeks. Jack couldn't help but release a loud sigh which didn't go unnoticed. He was worried, relieved, and sad at the same time. When they complete their 5 song quest here on Dreamworks they're going back to Disneyland to record their album which means he won't be seeing Elsa anymore.

"Thank You, again." Elsa said as she stares into the eyes of her savior.

"Your welcome." Jack smiles softly at her.

Before they could say more, warmth touched their cheek and the world above them turned from the color of the sea to an art painted by creative hands. It looked like painting on a wet paper and the colors would run to directions where ever they please. Sky blue, purple, pink, yellow and orange bleed above their heads.

Elsa feels her eyes giving in and her head falls to her left along with her body and she isn't fast enough to catch herself so she braces herself for the impact that never comes. A warm chest is all she feels and she immediately felt shy about it. Jack stands up with Elsa in her arms.

"I can walk." Elsa insisted with a weak voice.

"Just shut up and let me carry you." They both blush and smile. She lets darkness take over her vision and fell asleep in strong arms that she knows will keep her away from any type of danger.

Everyone's gathered in the studio, fresh and alert courtesy of Elsa. She told them at breakfast she needs the band's expertise with something.

"So I've been working on something recently," Elsa stands in front of the band. "We all know I was deeply, you know. So my way of coping with the pain was writing songs." She talked really fast in hopes of outrunning the feelings starting to build up again. She could see from the corner of her eye that Jack was trying to keep a straight face for her. "Before you say anything, yes, I wrote a couple songs. They're not perfect and I want them to be, which is where you guys come in."

"That is a great idea!" Logan stood from his seat. "When you think about it, we've already covered 5 songs."

"What?" Elsa looks up from the floor.

"We've already recorded the songs, well 4 of 5 actually. Which means our adventure here is almost over." Dan said fiddling with his bass guitar.

"It doesn't have to be over just yet. We still need one more song." Zayn stood up walking towards me. "We'll help you with your songs, in fact we'd very much love to have you perform with us in front of the crowd!" Everyone's attention turns to him. "You got that right. The band is performing live at the city grounds next week. And we would be honored to have Miss Dreamworks Town sing with us on stage."

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