Chapter 31 It's Anna

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Elsa’s POV

When we got home I was putting on a brave smile and pretending I haven’t just seen a scary movie. But when I looked up all eyes were on me including those familiar blue eyes that I rarely see these days. I stood there speechless and Jack tried to break the ice.

“Hi Mrs. Arendale! Hi Mr. Arendale! You must be Anna.” Jack said.

My parents waited for me to respond until I finally found my voice. “Anna.” It sounded more of a croak. Tears started to fill my eyes and I slowly walked towards her as she slowly stood up and hugged me. “You’re home.”

“Hi sis.” Anna said. Hearing her for the first time in so long.

“I missed you so much, why didn’t you call?” I said still hugging her.

“I wanted to surprise you.” She pulled away. “Surprise!” then she giggled.

I smiled at her still taking it all in that my little sister is home.

“Now who’s the hot stuff over there?” she motioned her head to Jack’s direction.

“Oh. Anna, meet Jack Frost. Jack, meet my little sister Anna.” I said.

“I’m not little.” Anna crossed her arms.

“Told you I was hot.” Jack said.

“We’re not discussing that right now.” I said to Jack. I faced my parents, “Mom, Dad, this is Jack Frost, the guy I told you about.”

“Hello Jack” Mom said warmly.

“Soooo. Are you her new boyfriend? Wow Els, you move fast.” Anna took a closer look at Jack. “What happened to Francis?”

My face turned red, I’m sure of it. “He’s not my boyfriend! I’m still with Francis, he’s back at his place.”

“Too bad, he looks better than Francis.” Anna punched Jack’s arm.

“Ow!” Jack said. “Quite a strong fist you got there.”

“Anna! What are you doing?” I said.

“He’s muscular too. Do you work out?” Anna asked Jack and he rubbed his nape smiling shyly.

“Anna!” I called.

“What is he doing here anyway? And I’ve never seen his face before.” Anna asked turning to me.

“I’ll catch you up later.” I replied.

“You can catch her up at dinner.” Mom said and all heads turn to her. “Jack would you like to stay for dinner?”

“Oooh. Would you like to stay forever?” Anna grabbed his arm.

“Dinner sounds great.” Jack said and Anna dragged him to a seat at the table between me and Anna.

We talked a lot during dinner, about the band and Virgo.

“Wow. Virgo’s still alive?!” Anna said.

“Anna! What are you saying!” Dad warned her.

“Nothing, he’s just so old. It’s been so long.”

“Doesn’t mean he should be dead.”  I said.


“Thank you for reuniting Elsa and Virgo, Jack,” mom said.

“No problem Mrs. Arendale,” Jack smiled.

“It was nice meeting you,” Dad extended out his hand and Jack shook it.

“Well I guess we’ll be seeing you tomorrow!” Anna saluted Jack and he saluted back.

“Why are you doing that?” I asked Anna.

“Really sis? You still wonder?” Anna looked at me then left me and Jack.

We went out to the balcony and walked towards the gates.

“Your family is great, they’re very nice.” Jack said. “I had a great time.”

“I’m glad you did. You sure Anna didn’t bother you at all? Her bubbliness can sometimes be too much.”

“Not at all. Her energy balances out yours.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I crunched my forehead.

“Nothing. Nothing.” Jack put his hands in front of him and laughed.

Then wind blew on my face causing my hair to go everywhere. Jack moved my hair to the back of my ear with his hand and I jumped a bit in surprise. He looked me straight in the eyes and smiled warmly while caressing my hair lightly at the side sliding down to the ends.

“Good night Arendale.” Jack said then walked away leaving me speechless AGAIN.

When I entered the living room Anna was standing in front of me and leaning close to my face.

“What just happened?” Anna asked with a cheeky face.

“N-Nothing. I sent him off, that’s all.” I said.

“Mhmm…So what’s with all the blushing?” Anna leaned in closer.

“Blushing?!” I place my hands in front of my now warm face. Why hadn’t I noticed this earlier?

“Are you sureee nothing’s going on between you and Jack?”

I looked to the side pouting.

“You know you can’t lie to me sis.” Anna relaxed a bit. “I saw the way you looked at him during dinner and the way he looked at you when you weren’t looking at him. Plus I saw that quick hand touch when you both reached for the salad bowl at the same time. You thought no one caught that didn’t you?”

I pursed my lips at just looked at Anna wide-eyed.

“It’s okay sis, I like him better than Francis actually.” She pinched my left cheek.

“Anna!” I screamed in an annoyed tone and Anna ran up the stairs to her room.

“What was that about?” Mom asked.

“Nothing.” I replied.

“I really like your friend Jack. Don’t get me wrong, Francis is a nice guy but I just feel very light-hearted with Jack.” She smiled at me then went to take a seat on the couch.

What is with people telling me that Jack is better?! Are these signs? Urgh. I need to sleep this off.


Heeeeya! Have a Very Merry Christmas! It's Christmas here in the Philippines! And I'm very happy because my boyfriend is home for the holidays. Weeee!!! And we drank hot choco for breakfast. Bubbles had none because dogs dies if they eat chocolate.

Next update will be tomorrow or the day after. :)

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