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Alex POV

Me and Peter landed at the wear house and started to get set up.

The wear house looked like any other wear house from the outside but on the inside it looked very different.

The house had two floors, the first floor was the main area and the second floor was a little walking path that went around the room.

 There were old bean bags placed everywhere and a coffee table with a mini fridge in the corner. There was also many workout materials around the first floor, did we steal them no we did not.... They were already thrown out so we took them from there. We also had a small changing room so you could switch outfits.


I could hear some movement from outside as the door opened, once the door closed I could See Miles.

"Uh hey" he waved awkwardly.

"Hey glad you could make it" me and Peter waved.

"Happy to be here, so what are we even gonna do?" Miles asked.

"Well if you wanna be a superhero you need some base training" Peter clapped his hands together, "And we're gonna help"

Look at this loser try to look like a adult 

Honestly it's kinda funny how people think we like 20 when we're 16

It really is 

"How long will I have to train for?"

"Uhhhh Venom a little help"

We are very helpful 


I think it's because we're so good at lying we come up with better solutions for things 

At this point probably 

"I guess it would depend, I would like you to get a grip on your powers before you fully go out on patrol, and probably get used to swinging around-"

"That's right swinging is hard" Peter piped in.

"-it really is, and learn some attacks, how to keep your identity, and your obviously gonna need a new suit, so it might be a while but most of it you can do around the city"

"Wait I get a suit?" Miles asked.

"Obviously, it's gonna take a while to get one going but eventually yes you'll have your own suit, but for now you can use one of Spideys old ones tell I can get you one"


"Yup very fun, so imma kinda do my own thing and bug bro will help you train mainly because I  am going off the top of my head right now of what to do" I said.

"Really? you sound like you know what your doing?"

"Nope half of it is bull shit that might work"

"It's honestly has saved us many times" Peter smiled.

"I'm still shocked at that, you two have fun training and stuff I will be designing a new suit for our friend" I flopped back on a bean bag and grabbed a tablet form my bag and got working.

"Ok let's do this!" Peter smiled.

"What should we start with?" Miles asked.

"Upper body strength , swinging is a big part of it all so It uses a lot of upper body strength" Peter explained, "and if you don't get enough practice you pull a muscle"

"Ok so how do we do that?"

"Pull ups"

Soon enough Miles and Peter were doing pull ups on one of the bars we hung up.

Miles fell back on the mat and groaned, "Ugh how many was that" he asked.

"Surprisingly 20"

"Felt like way more"

"Spidey what you at"


"Show off!" I yelled.

"You can do way more half the time, and I'm not even done!" Peter sassed back.

"What ever" I rolled my eyes, "Hey Miles come look at this"


He walked over and looked at the tablet. The design was almost like Peters but it had a sharper spider logo and had a few different details, it would mainly be one color but with longs near the shoulders. I made a few different color ideas that Miles could look at.

"So for colors we got red, blue, green, yellow, black, purple, white, what you want" I asked.

"Can we do a combo of colors?" He asked.

"Totally, what you thinking"

"Maybe red and black?"

"Ya that would look awesome"

"You can do that?!"

"Venom can do anything" Peter yelled.

"I can, but that would work great, gimme a little bit to get the color in and go work out more with Spider- bro over there" I waved over at Peter.

"Ok, and thank you" Miles said walking back to Peter.

Eventually I went to work out some more with them and Miles went home.

I would get to work on the suit eventually but for now all I wanted was sleep.


I want sleep too

But no

I am going to stay awake and watch more supernatural with The friend.

We're on season 3

Later fuckers


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