The Secret's Out

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Chapter 19

No One POV

Keenan had arrived back at the lab early morning when everyone was still asleep as he decided to just fly back on Latios which was relatively fast considering that Latios was hauling ass on the way back to the Kanto region as Keenan can literally not feel his face anymore right now. When he gotten back to the lab he silently went to his room and fell asleep, and woke up a few hours later as it's currently 9:00 as he yawned and made his way downstairs shocking everyone there.

Ash:*wide eyed*what Keenan when did you get back here.he asked in surprise

Keenan:gotten back earlier this morning when everyone was asleep.he said to him yawning a bit

Goh:so did you catch any new Pokémon at the Kalos region.he asked him as he rolled his eyes

Keenan:*rolls his eyes*is that seriously all you think about like aren't there any other things that you think of aside from catching Pokémon.he asked him a bit annoyed by his mindset

Goh:*scratches his cheek*ugh well not really to be honest.he replied to him not knowing how to respond to that

Ash:well if you didn't catch any Pokémon what did you do over there anyways.he asked as Keenan took out his badge case

Keenan:gotten a gym badge from Kalos region.he answered him as his eyes slightly widened

Ash:*his eyes widens*wait so your entering the Kalos region and that badge looks like it's from Viola.he asked him

Keenan:I mean no shit I'm entering why would I get a gym badge in the first place.he said back to him

As Ash was going to say something back to him but Professor Cerise had walked into the kitchen area as he's seen with his usual coffee cup in his hands as he walked right past Keenan which made him sweat drop a bit but shrugged it off as he continued drinking his tea, until Professor Cerise had noticed him.

Cerise:*blinks in surprise*wait a minute Keenan your back when did you get back.he said in surprise as he wasn't expecting this

Keenan:like what I told Ash I gotten back earlier this morning that's all.he said back to him as he downed his tea

Keenan:well I'm gonna head back to bed gonna get a few more hours of sleep.he said as Professor Cerise stopped him

Cerise:hey wait I want to discuss something with you.he told him as he looked back toward him

Keenan:what is it now dammit all I want to do is get back to bed.he asked him somewhat irritated

Cerise:*looks at him with a serious look*it's about your recent capture in the Hoenn region I wanted to talk to you about it but you went to the Kalos region.he told him

Keenan:oh yeha i forgot about that but fine let's get this over with.he said back to him

Cerise:what about Ash and Goh I know you want to talk about this in pri-.he was cut off when Keenan interrupted

Keenan:I don't care anymore their going to find out so might as well tell them.he replied to him

Which made both Ash and Goh look at each other in confusion but also curious as to what Keenan and Professor Cerise means by that as it seemed that they were keeping this a secret and well at this point Keenan doesn't really care anymore if they can keep their mouths shut them it's fine.

Timeskip brought to you by Tatsumi meeting Project Mew for the first time as he has Mewtwo out as the 2 of them are cautiously looking at them.

Still No One POV

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