Family Vacation Final

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Chapter 49

No One POV

Keenan and his family had spent the last days or so exploring the region and seeing what it has to offer as Keenan and Takuto has went and tried many different foods while Tobias had went to see if there's any clothes that catches his interest since whenever he goes out he tends to wear different clothes aside from the ones he usually wears, well sometimes at least.

As today is actually the last day they will be spending in the Alola region as it was definitely a time to remember although they just forgot about what happened to Takuto's Torracat and the Team Skull members as it was also on the news but the 3 of them had decided to try and forget about it.

Takuto:I don't want to go back home being here is so fun.he said to himself

Keenan:don't worry maybe we'll come here next time but dad needs to head back and check on everything.he said back to him

Takuto:I guess your right about that but are you going back to the Kanto region after this.he asked him

Keenan:*nods*yeah after all I need to train my Pokémon for the upcoming Sinnoh league which is almost a month and a half from now and I also need to gather the remaining gym badges.he told him

Takuto:*looks at him with a smile*well me and daddy will be rooting for you at the Sinnoh league.he said to him

Keenan:*raises an eyebrow*wait you 2 are going to be there to watch me battle.he asked in slight surprise

Takuto:*nods*yeah dad told me that we're going to be there to watch you battle in person since he says it's a lot more better and of course a better experience.he said back to him

Keenan:*smiles*thanks Takuto I'll be sure to give it my best whenever the time comes.he said to him

As the 2 of them had made their way back toward the small spot that they have on the beach as this time they decided to spend time not on the secluded side of the beach since well Rayquaza was literally being used as a large sunbathing area for Wimpod's which he didn't mind but it sorta irritated him, another thing is that Tobias is wearing shades and to Keenan it's a little cursed.

Tobias:*looks at Keenan*is there a reason why your looking at me like that.he asked his younger brother

Keenan:*sweat drops*ugh well the thing is you wearing shades is kinda cursed.he said back to him

Tobias:*sits up*well I'm trying to enjoy my last few hours here in Alola so might as well and plus these shades can be used to conceal my identity.he said back to him

Keenan:yeha whatever you say but what are you going to do after this.he asked him

Tobias:well I'm going to train my Pokémon that I'll be using against you and I suggest you use the training method I showed you whenever we meet up again I'll show you and even more tougher one but it might come at a cost.he said to him

Keenan:well for now I'll stick to the one you showed me earlier I'm sure Dartrix,Riolu,Zweilous and Shelgon and the rest of my Pokémon will grow a lot faster thanks to it.he said to him

As Keenan had decided to just walk a Rodin the beach after talking to his brother as he decided to just let him relax and enjoy himself before they head off since he knows Tobias is going to be flying on Latios out of the Alola region as he wouldn't mind him flying on the plane with him but there's limited space in there, and Keenan well has a lot of things on mind such as what Pokémon he should use against Tobias.

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