A True Dragon

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Chapter 171

No One POV

Today is the day Project Mew and the others all head into the large cavern where that Kyurem is located as this will be the last mission for Project Mew. As Gary,Tatsumi,Horace and Macy all need to prove that they'll be able to make it into the team.

While Keenan and Lehua are just there for back up in case anything happens, especially Lehua since he's pretty much the strongest one over there.

Quillon and Danika had also gotten information of this Kyurem which is located deep in the cavern and from what they know is that it's lair is surrounded him large ice crystals which is expected from a Kyurem.

Amaranth:before you all go in there you need to be warned that this Kyurem is like no other Kyurem, it's stronger and also larger than most of them which means it's incredibly dangerous. As only you guys will be able to handle everything as Regina and Leaf will stay here and mount the cameras.he told them

Regina:*sighs*still wish I could've went but even I know the repercussions about this pretty much suicide mission.she said out loud

Quillon:I rather have you be safe here then possibly get killed or injured fighting against that thing.he told her

Amaranth:from what Lehua told me that this Pokémon is an anomaly Pokémon which means that it'll be hell of a lot tougher than usual. Hence why he is here along with Keenan.he said

Keenan:*sweats*granted that I probably won't do much but I'll try my best.he said to himself

Amaranth:right....with that out of the way you may all head inside, as Lehua had made these special communication devices that is able to receive messages from space so this should be good for that cavern...oh and I wish you all luck.he told them

With that prep talk done and over with they all nodded and headed into the large cave entrance as to where this cavern is located, as apparently around this area tons of strong Pokémon has been spotted as only veteran trainers are allowed to be there.

Since their all in one big group they have gotten permission, plus with the recent Johto Champion and Keenan as well also helps that they are able to proceed through this since the Pokémon league had most recently put that up.

While they were walking into the large cave like area they all seen multiple dead Pokémon and bodies from the trainers who ventured into this area which made pretty much all of them grimace at the sight. A clear indication that this Kyurem is not to be fucked with and will kill anyone who dares enter its lair.

Gary:*grimaces*dam...this thing even kills Humans and Pokémon as well, I can see why the league had put up a ban on this other then Champion's and veterans can enter.he said out loud

Lehua:goes to show how ruthless this bastard is.he said out loud

Danika:are all anomaly Pokémon thus ruthless or is it just this Kyurem.she questioned

Lehua:all of them will have a kill l streak to them which is a bad thing all in its own, my brother and I had defeated and even killed most of these anomaly Pokémon because it'll cause major trouble. I'm sure all of you remember that Kyogre back in Hoenn right? That was an anomaly Pokémon as well.he answered her

Quillon:*nods*yeah and it was also stronger then usual as well, I guess it's also a side affect.he said

Lehua:yes but oddly enough only Legendary and Mythical Pokémon get a boost or their power, maybe it's because their more powerful the most Pokémon out there.he said

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