Haleakala and Lehua's Other Worldly Adventure

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Chapter 183

No One POV

Haleakala and Lehua had entered the world where the last presence of Hades was last seen as Lehua had face planted onto the ground while Haleakala had landed on his feet like nothing had happened.

Lehua:*groans*ok you should really warn me before taking me to some other universe.hw said to him

Haleakala:yeah sorry but I don't roll like that, but anyways are you ready.he asked 

Lehua:*sighs*I mean I guess so although it is weird not having any Pokémon with us, although it is a good thing since we'll attract a lot of attention.he said back to him

Haleakala:yeah I know, but this fight will attract attention anyways.he replied to him

As Lehua had took a look around the area as to him they felt like they've been here before but can't remember when, until his mind went to the group of girls that was following him and his brother as he realized where he is.

Lehua:hold on I recognize this place, are we in that universe where a bunch of girls were following us.he asked 

Haleakala:yes we are and the Hades assistant is here in this world and I need your help for this.he replied

Lehua:but you can literally hold an entire multiverse together....well used to, so why do you need my help.he questioned

Haleakala:because this person is none other then Xeno Kalakaua, I have no idea how long he's been in this world but we need to get rid of him and fast before he reads mass Armageddon.he told him

Lehua:huh I didn't think you'd actually know that word.he said

Haleakala:go fuck yourself asshole I can be smart when the time is right.he replied

They both started to look for the signature of Xeno Kalakaua, as they don't know how long he's been in this world and Haleakala still sorta blames himself for not checking sooner since he's been checking other worlds as well.

He even checked the dinosaur world as well just in case but came out empty handed much to his surprise but didn't said anything about it. He knows that if he leaves Xeno Kalakaua in this world for too long then everything will fall apart.

Lehua:soo how do you know it's Xeno Kalakaua? Could there be the others as well like Xeno Maui.he asked him

Haleakala:I know what Kalakaua sense like since there's one in the world that we're in now, but this Kalakaua is the canon one. The one that's supposed to join Team Plasma not the one we know.he replied to him

Lehua:I see....wait so if we kill this one then that means-.

Haleakala:the others will most likely try and find him as well and try and get revenge, he is just like Xeno Tatsumi who has lost everything so he has nothing to lose what so ever.he told him

The two of them are walking around the city of Tokyo as Haleakala does have the orbs with him to guide him since they can also sense the power of Hades and he's takin full advantage of that, he also finds it funny that he knows the orbs secret powers and Keenan doesn't.

They kept walking until they came across a guy with blonde hair with a turquoise streak in it as he's 6ft tall and pretty much looks like any other Kalakaua but more dead inside, and honestly doesn't really care about anything.

Lehua:so it really is him.he said as Kala looked at them

Xeno Kalakaua:*his eyes widens*crap what the fuck are you two doing here.he asked not expecting them 

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