Double Trouble

242 13 10

Chapter 120

No One POV

Leading off from last chapter as Haleakala had made a sudden appearance at the Pokémon center that their in as Keenan and the others are quite tense to say the least as they know things won't be good since he's here.

Keenan:if your here then that mess something has came up.he asked

Haleakala:yes it's quite obvious but I want him to leave since it has nothing to do with you.he pointed at Alain

Alain:*sighs*alright fine I'll leave but what about Takuto.he asked

James:I'll watch over him while you guys talk.he told them

Keenan trust James as Takuto had went with him along with Alain outside of the Pokémon center and onto the battlefield as they can talk about whatever that comes into their minds while Haleakala had sat in empty seat and looked at them.

Kalakaua:so what kind of crazy vision did you get this time.he asked

Haleakala:first I want to know does any of you know about this Project X thing that Team Rocket is creating.he asked

Tatsumi:*sighs*oh no please don't tell me this talk has to do with that.he asked

Halekala:part of it does involve Team Rocket's creation so I take it you know about it then.he replied

Keenan:it's his goal to defeat Team Rocket and finally get rid of their leader once and for all but firer he needs to do deal with this Project X thing first.he answered

As Haleakala had stared at the green eyed trainer and nodded to himself as he believes that he'll be able to defeat Team Rocket and get rid of them for good but first he needs to address the other problem and it has to do with the Dark Knights.

Halekala:right but this other problem also has to do with the Dark Knight's.he said

Kalakaua:if I remember correctly the next one on the list is Namakaokahi the Goddess of the Seas and Possession am I right.he asked him

Haleakala:*nods*yes you are right about that Kala, but the thing is defeating her won't be easy since she can possess Pokémon.he replied

Keenan:is there a way to prevent that from happening.he asked

Haleakala:only Pokémon who are possessed with the orbs won't be affected by her powers as even my Rayquaza will be possessed by her without any of the orbs.he told him

The group already knows that these orbs that Keenan is collecting is very crucial to defeating Hades but they didn't think they'd be this impactful, but it's to expected since they are literal items from God.

But they also need to play it smart and see which one of the orbs will be given to any Pokémon but the thing is no matter what they will be possessed by Namakaokahi's power.

Ryuga:this other Dark Knight is there any way of avoiding your Pokémon being possessed aside from those orbs.he asked

Haleakala:yes there is another way and it's with ear plugs, if you give your Pokémon ear plugs then they'll be able to cancel out the song that she sings. But the downside is your Pokémon won't be able to hear your commands.he answered

Kalakaua:dam so she's able to take control of them with a song how the hell.he said

Keenan:surely Namakaokahi has a Pokémon under her sleeve right, like a powerful Legendary.he asked him

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