Champion of Dragon's Pt.1

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Chapter 155

No One POV

Obstagoon had dodged a Stone Edge from Garchomp by jumping to the side as he charged at it with a Night Slash but Garchomp had blocked it using his blades fins as he pushed him back.

Lance:now use Flamethrower.he ordered him

Tatsumi:brace yourself.he commanded

As Obstagoon had tucked himself into a ball as the stream of fire had hit it head in creating an explosion, as the smoke had cleared up to reveal Obstagoon still in ball position.

Lance:what an odd way to defend yourself.he said out loud

Tatsumi:*smirks*now lunge and use Close Combat.he ordered

Lance:*his eyes widens*quick fly up into the air Garchomp avoid it.he quickly called out

With the added boost from the ball position he boosted himself at the Garchomp and started pummeling the dragon type with loads of attacks until he kicked him further away to gain some distance.

Garchomp and recovered as he managed to shake off the attack and glared at Obstagoon who also glared back with an excited grin on his face.

Tatsumi:*thinks*that did some damage but I can't let Obstagoon get too tired, I need save him for later.he thought to himself

As Tatsumi had brought out his ball and returned his shiny Obstagoon back into his ball which quirked a few eyebrows but understood why.

Lance:returning your Obstagoon huh, saving him for later that's probably a good choice.he commented

Tatsumi:it's to risky to lose him this early so instead this one will substitute, go Porygon.he said as he threw out his next choice

Tatsumi's shiny Porygon had made its way onto he field with the ring of shine as it hovered a few feet above the ground, pretty much everybody raised an eyebrow at this. Since they've never seen anyone use a Porygon before in battle so this will be a first.

Annoucer:oh wow will would you look at this, Tatsumi has decided to use a Pokémon that we rarely see in battles and that's a Porygon. From what I've read they are incredibly difficult to train, but let's see how this one performs.he said into the mic

The crowd had cheered at the prospect of seeing a Pokémon that barley anyone knows how to use as this should be quite the feast for the eyes.

Lance:*mutters*a Porygon huh and it's a shiny, I wonder how the hell he managed to get that.he wondered to himself

Ref:*raises his arms*Porygon vs Garchomp, let the battle begin.he announced

Lance:use Dual Chop.he ordered

Tatsumi:glitch through him and use Tri-Attack.he ordered him

Garchomp had roared as he flew at the Porygon with his fins glowing with energy until he completely missed as Porygon had fazed through him like a glitch and reappeared behind him.

He was about to attack it until Porygon had released the triple attack of fire,ice and lighting as the orbs have hit Garchomp as he growled in pain as he was sent flying back. Luckily no status affect has been pressed onto him.

Lance:what the hell was that.he wondered

Tatsumi:Porygon here is able to act like a computer, he's able to use his powers and glitch through pretty much anything. I guess all that training really paid off.he told him

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