Limit Breaking Problems

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Chapter 94

No One POV

Keenan,Leaf and Tatsumi are now waiting outside the house for Tobias to arrive since he called him up and told him about Leaf's Venusuar's condition and he shoddily be arriving to the place shortly, as Leaf is definitely worried about her poor Venusaur since she wasn't expecting her to act that way but Keenan did warned her.

She thought that Venusaur would be able to handle the power of breaking one's limiter but it seems she was wrong about that, as she knows that Tatsumi's Typhlosion is able to withstand the power of breaking his limit and the same can be said for Keenan's Decidueye.

Tatsumi:look Leaf you can just calm down alright I'm sure Tobias can figure out a way to get your Venusaur back to its usual self.he reassured her 

Leaf:*looks down*I hope so it just hurts to see her this way.she said to him

Keenan:so Tatsu how was your Project Mew mission.he asked him

Tatsumi:it wasn't too bad honestly it was just the issue with Goh's useless ass, but I also bumped into someone who's childhood friends with both Ash and Leaf here.he replied to him

Keenan:*interested*really well who was it.he asked him

Tatsumi:it was Gary Oak you know the grandson of the famous Professor Oak yeah turns out he's also part of Project Mew as well.he told him

Keenan:*thinks to himself*oh yeah I almost forgot about Gary and his participation in Project Mew, too bad they made him look so weak in the final mission tho.he thought to himself

He's referring to the last episode of Goh's pointless episode but let's not talk about that since it's irrelevant, as Leaf was surprised to hear Gary's name again since it has been quite some time since she's last heard of him and she wonders how he's doing.

Since the last time she seen him was when he was heading out to the Sinnoh region to conduct some research and it was around that time Ash had also gone to Sinnoh to continue on his journey.

She of course does remember the flirting attempts from him but tried to ignore him until he just gave up and focused on himself since Leaf was focusing on winning the Hoenn league at the time, until she recently gotten interested in relationships and that's when Keenan comes along.

Leaf:you know I'm sorta surprised you met Gary, does he still have that snarky and cocky attitude.she asked him

Tatsumi:*rubs his chin*hmm well not that I could pick up but he did seemed interested in my Typhlosion tho, and he also acknowledged me at the Silver Conference winner I guess he watched the Johto league.he said back to her

Keenan:I heard Gary was a pretty strong trainer until he devoted himself to Pokémon studies is that true.he asked her

Leaf:*nods*yeah he's pretty strong not going to lie he managed to defeat Ash a few times but that was years ago when we first started traveling.she said to him

Tatsumi:his Electevire was also impressive it managed to fight up against that wild Alpha Serperior, so it's safe to say he's definitely Elite Four level.he said to him

Keenan:so that was what your mission about, where is the Serperior anyways.he asked him

Tatsumi:I still need to introduce him to my other Pokémon but I'm sorta wary about him.he told him

Keenan had somewhat understood about his wariness since when he first captured Rhyperior he was also real cautious about him since none of his Pokémon at that time was strong enough to go up against it unless he used Rayquaza but he didn't wanted to expose one of his biggest secret right off the bat.

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