The New Orb Mission

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Chapter 91

No One POV

After Keenan had gotten his first Frontier symbol from Greta as he used only 2 Pokémon which was his Roserade and his Togekiss as it was pretty much an easy win she uses mainly fighting type Pokémon.

Greta's Machamp had took down Roserade with a barrage of Fire Punches but managed to poison him using Toxic while Togekiss had came in and cleaned house by knocking out Machamp with one Air Slash attack which gave him the win. Then Greta's final Pokémon which was a Hariyama had appeared as he also took him out with a well placed Sky Attack as it was a critical hit.

To say the least Greta was surprised to see her lose so easily but vows to become stronger and catch more variety type of Pokémon for it doesn't happen again, as Keenan had received the Guts symbol from her as he's on his way to do something else.

Takuto:so where are we going now big bro.he asked him

Keenan:hmm well firstly I'm going go to drop you off somewhere for someone can watch over you since the place where I'm going can be pretty dangerous.he told him

Takuto:really where are you taking me.he asked him

Keenan:you'll see who we'll be there shortly just hold on tight.he said back to him

As Charizard had flown fast as he's making his way down toward Sunnyshore city as Takuto was amazed at the sight of the city as he never really been to this city before so this is a whole new experience for him. The reason why he's dropping off here in the first place is because he decided to do one of the orb missions but since this one is dangerous he's keeping Takuto safe.

They both landed in front of the Sunnyshore city gym to meet up with Volkner who was waiting for them, you see both Volkner and Keenan had kept in touch with one another and share battle ideas and plus to tell Keenan that he's an official member of the Elite Four now.

Volkner:*grins*hey it's been quite sometime Keenan and i must say your final battle in the Sinnoh league certainly was intense to bad you were holding back against me tho.he said to him

Keenan:yeah it has been awhile Volkner and again thanks for watching over Takuto I know this was a bit last minute.he thanked him

Volkner:nah don't mention it I'll be sure to keep watch over him and also train him as well until your done with what your doing.he said back to him

Takuto:*amazed*whoa I can't believe it's really you, your the strongest gym leader in all of Sinnoh.he said out in surprise

Volkner:*chuckles*well former gym leader now since I replaced Bertha of the Sinnoh Elite Four.he said back to him

Keenan:so you replaced Bertha I was expecting her to retire soon.he said

Volkner:*nods*yup the order is Aaron,Lucian,Me and Flint and small warning Aaron's new team is quite threatening.he told him

Keenan:hmm I'll keep that in mind, but I'll be back Takuto you don't have to worry about me.he said

He once again hopped on Charizard and took off into the skies to go where the orb is located as he can use other orbs to find their location and luckily for Keenan he has the Burning Orb with him and Charizard had managed to control the power but not to much, he did some research with the orb that he has and it only enters a Pokémon if they need the power.

But sometimes it can also be forcefully but he wonders why Charizard needs more power I mean he's already his strongest non Legendary Pokémon being at a Low tier Champion level so it's kind of confusing.

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