Anomaly Mission Pt.1

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Chapter 154

No One POV

The next day had arrived as the Project Mew members Danika,Quillon and Regina are all gettin ready for this next joint mission, as they also have 3 of their top members as well. Tatsumi,Gary and Horace.

Macy couldn't make it since she's gotten sick and is currently resting to her rid of it, but all of them are all on the boat making sure they gotten everything, as Kala is also with them although he's not apart of the Project Mew thing.

Horace:soo um who are you again and why are you even here.he asked curiously

Kalakaua:I'm Kalakaua and I'm just here to help Tatsumi out that's all.he replied

Horace:*his eyes widens*hold on your Kalakaua, you're the winner of this years Ever Grande Festival.he asked in surprise

Kalakaua:*nods*yes I am, but I'm also here to battle Steven Stone as well for the Champion title. Which I'll do after all of this of course.he said back to him

Gary:*whistles*dam dude we not only have the new Johto Champion with us but also some who's pretty much around the same level, we're quite stacked.he commented

Quillon:oh and Tatusmi the Professor did say you don't have any limit to who you can use for this mission, since we might need your more stronger Pokémon.he said back to him

Tatsumi:why what Pokémon are we actually going after.he questioned

It was when Professor Amaranth had showed them the picture of the Pokémon that their going to be after, as both Tatsumi and Kalakaua was quite surprised to say the least since they already know that Kala has his own Kyogre which is from this world.

It was when Professor Amaranth had showed them the picture of the Pokémon that their going to be after, as both Tatsumi and Kalakaua was quite surprised to say the least since they already know that Kala has his own Kyogre which is from this world

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Gary:so we're going after a Kyogre huh, I'm glad that these 2 are with us.he said

Kalakaua:it's not my Kyogre right.he asked as they all looked at him

Amaranth:*wide eyed*wait you CAUGHT a Kyogre when did this happen.he asked surprised

Tatsumi:quite awhile ago actually, but yeah he has a Kyogre and I have a Groudon.he told them

Horace:*shocked*what the hell you guys actually have Pokémon of that caliber, it's almost unheard of.he said out in surprise

Danika:well no it's not...I think, since this one had some weird aura around it and acted more aggressive then from what we could tell.she said back to them

Both Kala and Tatsu had froze up a bit when they heard the description of the a Kyogre as they both nervously looked at each other, if what they said is true then that means that the Kyogre will be stronger then usual and that isn't good.

Even with Tatsumi's Limit broken Mewtwo and Kalakaua's Zekrom their not sure if they'll be able to beat that thing, but then again there's Haleakala...but his ass is with Espie still yet and they don't want to bother him.

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