Danger's of The Orbs

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Chapter 51

No One POV

After Keenan had healed up his Pokémon and made sure that Rhyperior was ok which Nurse Joy had deemed that he's ok but recommended that he gets some time to rest since the battle against Moltre had pushed him past his limits but he knows that the battle against Moltres had made him stronger and well he's also happy that both Shelgon and Zweilous had evolved.

But he finally made his way back to the lab and since Moltres has been captured the city and the temperature has gone back to normal which he's glad about but there is some of the lingering effects from it, he opened the door of the lab as Professor Cerise came into his face.

Cerise:I don't believe it Keenan you captured Moltres this is incredible.he said in shock 

Keenan:*sweat drops*I mean I couldn't just leave it there where I battled it now can I.he replied to him

Keenan:*thinks to himself*plus he wanted to join me so I couldn't really deny it's request.he thought to himself 

Cerise:but this is truly remarkable you have captured your 4th Legendary since you have Heatran,Latios and Suicune but is it possible if we could see him.he asked him

Keenan:Moltres isn't some trophy you know but at the same time I do need to make sure that he's ok after the battle he had with Charizard so I guess you can see him.he answered him

Cerise:huh i thought you went to the Pokémon center to heal up your Pokémon why didn't you healed Moltres there.he asked him a bit confused 

Keenan:well it's because the Pokémon center had quite a lot of people in it and i didn't want anyone know that I have a Moltres.he answered him

Cerise:hmm well your right about that of word gets out that you have Moltres along with 3 other Legendary Pokémon then the media will be bombarding this entire place.he said out loud

Keenan:as if they can get into my dome my Pokémon will make sure they won't be able to get inside.he said back to him

As Keenan and Professor Cerise started to make their way toward his large dome and while they were walking away Chloe came outside with Sealeao beside her as she petted him thanking for keeping everyone in the lab cool as he clapped happily, and she also needed to take Sealeao back into his dome but she needs to be careful.

Change Scene Keenan's Dome

Both Keenan and Professor Cerise are now back in his dome as pretty much all of Keenan's Pokémon are looking at them as they are curious to see who's there new family member as both Latios and Heatran are also out of their hiding spots to see their new family member as Keenan took out the ultra ball containing Moltres.

Keenan:alright everyone say hi to your new teammate.he said as he tossed the ball up into the air

The ball opened up revealing his newly captured Moltres as he let out a loud screech as the temperature in the dome had shifted a bit as all of his Pokémon are looking at his new capture with wide eyes as Latios and Heatran are happy to have another Legendary in the family.

Cerise:*wide eyed*incredible I can't believe I'm seeing Moltres up close it truly is a impressive and spectacular Pokémon.he said while looking at the Legendary

Keenan:Moltres everyone here is your new family/teammate so try and get along with everyone here alright, although I do not mind you sparring with either of my Pokémon but just don't get into fights all the time like a certain duo.he said to him as he just tilted his head in confusion 

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