Chapter thirty two

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Novas POV

We'd gone to sit in our seats and this sort always stresses me out. We weren't really early but we were just a before the trailers and there was enough people in here to make me nervous. Now it's not the people it the fact someone may be sat in our seats and then what do I do?I can't go sit somewhere else because then what if that person comes and tells me to move then it's a whole thing and eveyones not happy. And I hate that again it's the main reason why I have to go with someone else to the movies or I can't sit and watch it. Or I have to be super early which we weren't and thank his no one was sat in our seats. The row was full but our seats weren't taken. But yeh two seats next to us were empty which confused me " I bought them both so put you're stuff there love" she whispered and I chuckled she knew I didn't like people sitting next to me because where was so supposed to go it's so awkward when that happens. The trailers actually started and I saw the new marvel movie turn up. And I was so happy to see my aunts and my dad on the screen infornt of me it's adorable.I love seeing there movies in cinema now I do get to go to premiers but it's not the same. I like going to the cinema to watch the movies and that's why matka mentioned how we can't take them in public because every other time I go they all wanna join me and we'll you can't go to a marvel movie wuthb3 people who are on the screen. We once got spotted and well eveyone in the cinema at yeh end surrounded us and made them all sign pictures and take them to. I wasn't mad but I did say that if I went I was only going with one of them now.

After the movie was done matka had made me wait till the end because she never knew that marvel had scenes after the credits but now she does she makes us watch right till the end of all movies so she doesn't miss a thing. I hate it because I told her a million times there isn't one but she doesn't wanna listen to me. Old people honestly give me a headache.

" so where do you wanna eat?"
She asked me and I felt like it should be somewhere nice not McDonald's so I asked " so where nice to sit" and she nodded I think she knew exactly where to go so I let her take me. We pulled up at a big building and I was confused because it looked like a ki art but when we got inside it was just a library. There was a man stood there and he asked " code" and matka smiled and said " eagle" that man nodded and l
Moved something so the case moved and a food came out. I saw the stairs and I looked at matka who was just smirking at me. I was confuse but curious because I'd never heard of this place and how did she know the code, " table for two?" A man asked when we got to the bottom he was dressed in a suit greeted us and I felt under dressed but matka was too and surely they'd have told us to change if it was a problem. Well I'm assuming that's what would of happened actually. There was a lot of art on the walls and then there was a poster that had alot of writing telling you what it was and where it was from.

" how do you know about this place?@ I asked and she smiled " hunters best friend owns it and he'll make an appearance I think if he's here." She quickly added and I giggled at her while she took a sip of her wine. A man came to us in a suit but it looked alot cheaper then the other guys. He just smiled at me and asked what we wanted so I took a quick scan over the menus and they had alot of normal food so I asked for a chicken burger and fries. Matka got herlsef a wrap and a salad which I knew she enjoyed but I couldn't agree with that. I hate salad and that looked like the worst thing to me so nope. I enjoyed my food when it came and then I saw a man stood smiling " hello miss johansson" and matka smiled and hugged him I'm assuming he's uncle hunters friend of this is gonna be strange. " omg and this must be Scarlett's little one you've grown since I last saw you" and I looked at him so ducking confused does he think I'm rose. I've never met this man in my life and I looked at matka who looked at him like she was going to kill him and also that she was scared " I think you have me confused with rose. I'm nova" and he smiled " I know darling I held you when you were a baby" and that made my face drop because what the fuck is he on about. " haha yes he did and Scarlett's always been in you're life but I need a word with him in organise nova finsih youre meal then we can go" she said grabbing his jacket and dragging him away. I'm sorry what the fuck just happened. I have a bad feeling about all of this. He said Scarlett's little one. That's lot something you call someone's niece and even then why would he have held me he doesn't know my dad. My mind was ruining faster and faster. Because this wasn't a coincidence and the way matka is yelling right now and the look on her face this isn't good.
Okay maybe I do wanna find out who my mother is.


It's all about to hit the fan

Remember to drink water
Eat a good meal
Get a good sleep

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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