nine | the fearsome dr. crane

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It was safe to say that after returning from killing a couple of people and finding the mess that was inside of the nightclub, Annabelle was pissed off when she found out that not only were Fish and Butch alive, but Fish managed to escape, and But...

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It was safe to say that after returning from killing a couple of people and finding the mess that was inside of the nightclub, Annabelle was pissed off when she found out that not only were Fish and Butch alive, but Fish managed to escape, and Butch had been taken in by Victor Zsasz and his assassins for them to have their fun with.

She was so pissed off that she started to avoid everyone but Oswald Cobblepot and the members of the GCPD that she could potentially meet.

So that meant that she avoided all of the members of the entire Falcone crime family, but it was mostly Carmine Falcone and Victor Zsasz that she avoided at all costs.

She avoided Victor because he was the one that somehow managed to allow Fish to escape and take Butch with him and his assassins for them to have their fun with.

And she avoided Carmine for allowing Victor to take Butch with him and not sending out everyone for Fish.

So naturally she chose to avoid the two that she believed would want nothing more than to search for the one that had double-crossed them, only for them to ignore the situation and only focus on Butch Gilzean.

And in doing so, she not only pissed off not only Carmine, but also Victor.

They didn't see the point in her avoiding them when it wasn't exactly planned on Fish escaping and Butch being the only one they could capture.

So because of Annabelle's choice to avoid them, Carmine ordered Victor to keep an eye on her from a safe distance and to not do or say anything that could bring her attention to him.

And that was just what Victor was doing as he saw Annabelle crouched on the roof of Bamonte's, while she listened to Salvatore Maroni ask Oswald after he popped open a bottle and the two laughed to themselves, "You're sure now? Fish Mooney is done?"

As Salvatore poured the champagne into their glasses, Oswald told them, "She tried to bring down Falcone. She failed. Last time I saw her, Victor Zsasz had her cornered. We can assume she's either dead or extremely unwell."

While the two raised their glasses and clinked them against one another's, Salvatore said, "Well, then, salud." After they took a sip out of their glasses of champagne, he said, "You know, this creates some intriguing opportunities. Falcone will struggle to hold on to her territory. If we move quickly—"

Oswald held a hand out towards Salvatore as he replied, "My thinking exactly. In fact, I took the liberty of claiming her nightclub. In your name, of course."

As he slightly tilted his head to the side, Salvatore asked him, "You did, huh?" After Oswald shakily nodded his head, Salvatore stared at him for a moment before he said with a smirk on his face, "Good thinking."

After Oswald chuckled to himself, Salvatore said, "A bird in the hand is nine-tenths of the law, right?"

Oswald chuckled and nodded his head as he said, "Yeah."

Thanatophobia | VICTOR ZSASZ [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now