twenty two | scarification

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After speaking with Kristen Kringle about the confirmation for their plan to be shared with Leslie Thompkins and James Gordon, Edward Nygma opened the door to his office and walked inside

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After speaking with Kristen Kringle about the confirmation for their plan to be shared with Leslie Thompkins and James Gordon, Edward Nygma opened the door to his office and walked inside.

Once he entered his office and closed the door behind himself before he walked toward a desk to sort through his papers, he suddenly became tense when he felt one hand wrap around both of his wrists, while another hand covered his mouth.

His eyes widened and he started to worry that someone dangerous had gotten inside of his office without his knowledge, only to stop when he heard Annabelle whisper into his ear, "Be quiet."

His eyebrows furrowed as he started to wonder why Annabelle was hiding inside of his office, only to stop and look at the other side of the room when he heard his alter ego start to chuckle.

He was just chuckling and shaking his head at Edward, while Annabelle quietly said to him, "Now, I'm going to release you in five seconds and no matter what you may wish to do or say afterwards, you will have to keep yourself from doing so. I need you to be quiet and not alert anyone of my being here. Do you understand me?"

When Edward nodded his head, she swiftly released him and backed away from him, which allowed him to turn around and eye her with furrowed eyebrows.

When Annabelle saw him start to open his mouth to ask her something, she sped towards him and covered his mouth with her hand once more, while she said, "I told you to be quiet."

Edward's eyes widened once more before he whispered into her hand, "I-I'm sorry."

She looked between his eyes before she backed away from him once more and then she started to pace inside of his office, while she said, "I know I risk a lot coming here, but I don't know what else to do. I can't remain inside of that damn penthouse any longer. It drives me mad that I can't do anything to protect him or Oswald's mother. What drives me even more mad is having to be around those damn people."

Edward said nothing and only watched her pacing quicken, while he occasionally glanced at his alter ego, who wasn't saying anything either.

If anything, it looked as if his alter ego was intrigued by the idea that Annabelle had chosen to confide in them and not any of her criminal comrades.

After hearing her sigh, Edward looked back at her to see her running her fingers through her and just how tense she'd become.

It was clear that she was doing everything in her power not to let out a scream of frustration, despite how much she would love to do just that.

He knew that she had an arrest warrant and didn't want to bring attention to herself or cost Edward his job, so she needed to remain as quiet as she possibly could.

Just as he opened his mouth to ask her something, he quickly looked over at his door that was starting to open.

He looked back over at Annabelle to warn her to hide, only to frown when he saw that she was gone.

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