thirty nine | time bomb

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Similarly, to how Annabelle went to the hospital right away when Salvatore Maroni's men had blown up Carmine Falcone's vehicle two years prior, Annabelle immediately went to the restaurant where Carmine's vehicle was blown up

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Similarly, to how Annabelle went to the hospital right away when Salvatore Maroni's men had blown up Carmine Falcone's vehicle two years prior, Annabelle immediately went to the restaurant where Carmine's vehicle was blown up.

She heard that he was having dinner with Leslie and Mario, but she didn't care about them.

The only thing she cared about was seeing if Carmine was safe and not dead.

Once she reached the restaurant, she saw Mario Calvi and Leslie Thompkins sitting in the back of an ambulance and Carmine walking away from James Gordon.

Before Carmine could get very far, though, she sped towards him and stopped right in front of him and eyed for him any injuries, while she asked him, "Don Falcone, are you alright? I came as soon as I heard what had happened. You're not hurt, are you?"

He nodded his head with a smile on his face as he told her, "Yes, I'm fine, Annabelle. The only ones that were injured from the explosion were Mario and Lee, since they were the closest to my car."

Annabelle glanced over at Leslie and Mario and saw that they were watching her before she looked back at Carmine as she said to him, "My apologies, then. How bad are their injuries?"

He replied, "Just first-degree burns. Nothing more."

She asked him, "Do you know who could be behind it?"

He sighed as he told her, "Probably some old enemies of mine. Nothing I can't handle."

As she looked up at him, she asked him, "Do you need my help with it? You know I'm willing to do anything to help you, no matter what it is."

He smiled down at her as he replied, "I know you are, Annabelle. Don't think I've forgotten about the last words you said to me two years ago. I'm still holding you to it. But you don't have to worry about it. It's nothing I can't handle."

She nodded her head and stepped aside as she said to him, "Very well, sir. If you change your mind, you know my cell phone number."

He nodded his head at her before he said to her, "Just check in on Mario and Lee, see how they're doing right now. I'd hate for them to be scarred from a near death situation."

She nodded before she bowed her head to him as she said, "Of course, sir."

Before he could thank her for being a dear friend to him, she disappeared in front of him and was seen standing in front of Mario and Leslie and checking in on how they were doing.

After eyeing Annabelle, Mario looked over at Carmine, who nodded his head, before he looked back at Annabelle, just as Leslie asked her, "Annabelle, how did you hear about this so fast?"

Annabelle scoffed as she replied, "How could I not? This isn't the first time that someone had made an attempt on a Falcone. I needed to make sure that Don Falcone wasn't hurt because of it, like he was two years ago."

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