thirty one | unleashed

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After Annabelle called Oswald and had to leave him a voicemail because of him not answering his phone, she went about killing more people to release the anger that was growing more and more with each passing moment

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After Annabelle called Oswald and had to leave him a voicemail because of him not answering his phone, she went about killing more people to release the anger that was growing more and more with each passing moment.

She knew she promised Victor that she wouldn't be angry, but it couldn't be helped.

She thought that after she broke Theo's bones and James had killed him that she'd never have to deal with Theo anymore, but she was wrong.

Theo Galavan was brought back to life by someone.

She didn't know who the person was, nor did she care.

All she cared about was finding Theo and killing him before he attempted to go after Victor Zsasz once more.

After Victor almost got killed by some men that Tabitha had sent after him, Annabelle had vowed that she would ensure Victor's safety, no matter what anyone else said.

Victor was important to her and she'd be damned if she had to see him injured once more because of an enemy of hers.

While she went through all of Gotham to find herself some more victims, she also searched everywhere she could in order to find the resurrected Galavan sibling, but to no avail.

No matter how much she searched for him, he was nowhere to be found, which was why she was now in one of her temporary homes and sitting across from Oswald Cobblepot, who was holding a cane in one hand and his other hand was tightly gripping the arm of the chair he was sitting on.

Despite them meeting up in her temporary home ten minutes prior to this, neither of them said a single word.

The two of them were far too angry to even attempt to make small talk.

They thought that they'd rid themselves of Theo Galavan for good.

Instead, they had to deal with an unknown person bringing him back to life and making him believe his name was Azrael, instead of Theo Galavan.

Annabelle didn't care about the idiocy of Theo for believing that his name was Azrael.

She only cared about seeing him die once more, whether it by her hand or another's.

She didn't care who killed him.

All she cared about was seeing him get killed for a second time.

It was only when Annabelle started to quickly tap her fingers on the table that Oswald said, "We need to find him. We need to find him and kill him. No, hurt him and then kill him. We need—"

Annabelle sighed before she replied, "Yes, I'm very much aware of what we need to do, but in order to do any of that, we need to find him. And in case you're not aware of this, there's been no bloody sign of that bastard since he attacked the GCPD!"

Oswald merely blinked at Annabelle, while she hit her right fist against the table, which got the part she hit to crumble and fall onto the floor from the force put behind her hit.

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