thirty two | better to reign in hell

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It had been six months since Fish Mooney and Hugo Strange's other experiments were unleashed onto the city of Gotham

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It had been six months since Fish Mooney and Hugo Strange's other experiments were unleashed onto the city of Gotham.

Six months that involved Annabelle having to listen to Oswald rant and rave about the importance of finding Fish Mooney, hearing about the opening of a nightclub called The Sirens that was run by Barbara and Tabitha, hearing about James Gordon becoming a bounty hunter after finding out that Leslie had moved on with another man just as he told her to do and the several dates she had with Victor Zsasz, despite her uneasiness for them openly being together.

Despite the number of times in which Victor had reassured her that everything was fine, it didn't stop her from worrying about what would happen if any of their enemies came after them.

She wasn't necessarily worried about herself, though.

The only one she was worried about was Victor because he was human.

He wasn't an Original vampire like she was.

He could be killed with ease, if they weren't careful.

It was these worries that brought her to go to The Sirens and down as many drinks as she could to ease her worries, despite her not wanting to go to a club that Tabitha Galavan was running.

Then again, she had no quarrels with Barbara, so she saw no point in beating herself up about it.

And due to her lack of quarrels with Barbara, she intended on going back to The Sirens, only to stop when Oswald Cobblepot called her and demanded her presence.

After he ended the call, she sighed and debated on whether or not she should join him, but decided to do it.

After all, she had nothing better to do aside from going to The Sirens and Victor was busy that night with an old enemy they both had.

This alone was why Annabelle was currently standing near the entrance of the GCPD with her arms crossed over her chest as she listened to Valerie Vale, a reporter for the Gotham Gazette, question Aubrey about the roaming experiments that were apparently trying to steal some drugs for reasons unknown to them.

It was only after Annabelle sighed to herself and tilted her head that Valerie asked Aubrey, "Why is Hugo Strange the only one that's been arrested?"

Aubrey started to say to her, "The situation—"

Valerie asked him, "And what about the rumors that Indian Hill is a Wayne Enterprises facility? And how many more of these escapees are at large? Are we talking twenty? Thirty?"

Aubrey started to say to her, "Excuse me, excuse me—"

Valerie said to him, "Come on, just give me a blink if I'm close."

Aubrey told her, "The situation is firmly in hand."

It was then that they all heard a voice yell, "Liar!"

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