thirty seven | follow the white rabbit

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Annabelle was seated inside of Chez Vous and eyeing the empty tables around her as she waited to see if anyone would suddenly jump out from where she least expected it and attempted to harm her, only to stop when she heard a voice say to her, "My ...

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Annabelle was seated inside of Chez Vous and eyeing the empty tables around her as she waited to see if anyone would suddenly jump out from where she least expected it and attempted to harm her, only to stop when she heard a voice say to her, "My apologies, Annabelle. I just needed to speak with my son, Mario, about something. I hope I wasn't keeping you waiting for long."

While she looked up at Carmine Falcone, a wide and genuine smile made its way onto her face as she stood up and told him, "No, of course not. I only got here myself about five minutes ago."

Just as she quickly walked over to pull out his seat, he grabbed her arms and said, "It's good to see you again, my friend. It's been far too long since we last saw each other."

She nodded her head as she said to him, "Yes, it has. It's been too long since our last encounter, Don Falcone."

He chuckled as he told her, "I'm not a don anymore, Annabelle. I've retired, remember?"

With a shake of her head, she replied, "It doesn't matter. You were a don to me when I started working for you and you will forever remain one. Even after death, you will forever be Don Falcone to me."

Carmine eyed the empty tables around him before he looked back at her and said, "I take it that the empty tables are your doing, then?"

She nodded her head as she said to him, "Of course. I have no trust for anyone in this city, aside from Victor Zsasz. I don't trust that someone wouldn't try and assassinate you during our meeting."

Carmine raised an eyebrow at her as he said, "No one, you say? That's odd. Last I heard, you've been growing quite close to Penguin and a Mr. Nygma." When her facial expression didn't change, he said, "Unless I've been misinformed by those that still remain loyal to me in this city?"

She tilted her head as she asked him, "Do you mean Victor?"

He nodded his head as he told her, "Yes, him among many others in this city." When she stood behind his pulled out seat, he asked her, "Aren't you going to sit down, Annabelle?"

She shook her head as she said to him, "I won't sit until you've been seated, sir."

In turn, he said, "Hmm."

Then he sat down in the chair and let Annabelle push the chair closer to the table, while he said, "And I suppose they're also right that you've grown to be far more stubborn since I've last seen you."

After she sat down across from him, Annabelle replied, "I suppose I have, but I don't really know for sure. Whether or not I've become more stubborn isn't necessarily my issue at the moment. Protecting Victor and ensuring no one harms him is my top priority. It has been since before Theo Galavan's first death."

He nodded his head as he said to her, "Yes, I heard about that. I'd heard about both, actually. You were not only involved with his first but also his second death. Not to mention the fact that apparently quite a few people owed some money to Gilzean, Penguin and Gabriel because of them winning the bet of when you and Victor would become a couple."

Thanatophobia | VICTOR ZSASZ [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now