sixty four | year zero

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It had been almost three months where Klaus Mikaelson had to pitifully watch Annabelle nearly drive herself mad during the lengthy times she spent searching for Victor Zsasz

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It had been almost three months where Klaus Mikaelson had to pitifully watch Annabelle nearly drive herself mad during the lengthy times she spent searching for Victor Zsasz.

Almost three months where he had to convince himself that she was okay, and she would move past this, and everything would be okay in the end.

She would find Victor Zsasz and get back to being the way she was prior to that phone call she had with Oswald Cobblepot.

It was getting bad enough to the point that he was hardly even recognizing her as his own sister.

He never once saw her act in the way she had been acting for almost three months now.

Despite her incredibly short temper and lack of control for her bloodlust, she seemed to have some form of control of herself in a way.

She'd never spend her nights standing in the middle of any street and screaming at the top of her lungs, almost begging for someone to come and take her mind off of the fact that Victor was still missing.

It was as if she was asking for someone to pick a fight with her, so that she at least had something to take her mind off of her current problems.

Not even seeing the photograph of Kol Mikaelson would help her in the slightest bit.

If anything, seeing Kol's photograph seemed to make everything that much worse.

It had gotten to the point that every single criminal— aside from Oswald Cobblepot and Edward Nygma— would look the other way and wouldn't dare to go anywhere near the incredibly unstable Original.

And Klaus didn't blame them.

His sister had turned out to become even worse after failing to find Victor Zsasz.

It was as if she resorted to the way she was when she nearly killed their parents when she was ten years old.

Although he never saw her try to do that, Kol had told him that Annabelle had almost sliced open their mother's neck before he stopped her.

If there wasn't anything that stopped her from attempting to kill their parents before she was even a teenager, then what could stop her from killing everyone that was either an ally to her or a friend of hers?

Absolutely nothing.

The only three people that could even stop her from doing that were Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson and Victor Zsasz.

But due to the fact that Kol was still daggered for eighty-eight years at that point and Klaus was the only one that knew where Kol's body was stashed, the duty to stop her relied only on Klaus and Victor.

But Klaus did nothing to stop his sister from killing all of those people ever since she failed to find Victor Zsasz shortly after the bridges were blown up.

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