twenty nine | into the woods

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James was walking through the streets back towards where Harvey Bullock and Ginny Babcock were making out and doing whatever else they deemed necessary with the recording of the person that framed him for the murder of Carl Pinkney, only to stop w...

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James was walking through the streets back towards where Harvey Bullock and Ginny Babcock were making out and doing whatever else they deemed necessary with the recording of the person that framed him for the murder of Carl Pinkney, only to stop when he heard a cut short scream from nearby.

Despite him being known as a convicted murderer, he still cared about the citizens of Gotham, so he went to see who was being attacked at that very moment.

He only stopped walking when he saw the familiar bald head of Victor Zsasz standing beside a brunette, whose back was facing him as she stood in front of a headless body that was lying in a puddle of blood.

He tilted his head and furrowed eyebrows as he started to wonder why Victor was standing with a brunette in a dark corner, only to stop when he decided to walk closer and find out just who Victor was standing with.

It was only when he was close enough to them that he heard Victor ask the brunette, "Are you feeling better now, or do you need another?"

He narrowed his eyes at the brunette when he heard a familiar voice say to Victor, "I think one more wouldn't hurt."

Victor nodded his head as he said to her, "Okay, whatever you say."

Then the brunette turned around to reveal that the brunette was Annabelle Mikaelson, someone that Carmine Falcone and Harvey Bullock had told him was broken out of Arkham Asylum the very same night he was transferred to Blackgate Penitentiary.

While Harvey was clueless about who had broken her out, Carmine had an idea of just who was behind her breakout but said nothing to Harvey and James.

He figured he could leave that up to them to find out.

After all, he was only needed to get James Gordon broken out of Blackgate.

Nothing more and nothing less.

To see Annabelle standing there quickly eyeing her surroundings and not seeming so confident as she normally was was unsettling to James Gordon.

Throughout the entire time he knew her, prior to her being sent off to Arkham and during the time in which he visited her to see if she talked to the IA about Theo Galavan's murder, she was always so confident and knew that there wasn't a single thing a person could do that could kill her.

While he eyed her, he couldn't help but wonder what could have possibly been done to her during her stay at the asylum that had her be that way.

He wasn't able to wonder about it too long though, because he heard Annabelle say to him, "Whoever it is that's hiding from me, I know you're there, so you might as well come out now."

It was then that James Gordon stepped out from behind his hiding place and revealed himself to Victor and Annabelle.

Annabelle only stared at him as she said, "I heard you broke out of Blackgate. I just didn't know if it was true, or if it was simply rumors."

Thanatophobia | VICTOR ZSASZ [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now