seventeen | all happy families are alike

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It had been two weeks since Annabelle had last seen Carmine Falcone

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It had been two weeks since Annabelle had last seen Carmine Falcone.

Two weeks where she had to slaughter several more of Salvatore Maroni's men.

Men that tried to harm her with bullets laced with vervain.

As for how Salvatore had gotten his hands on vervain, she wasn't sure.

The only thing she was sure of, though, was just how much she wanted to rip out Oswald's throat for being the reason that the war even started in the first place.

But she didn't.

She stayed silent, just as Carmine had told her to do.

She remained silent and stayed by Oswald's side, despite how much she wished to leave him by himself and let either Salvatore himself or some of Salvatore Maroni's men to come and kill Oswald for what he did.

However, she didn't.

Well, until she got word that a couple of Salvatore's men had blown up Carmine's car, which resulted in him having to go to the hospital.

As soon as she heard about it, she forced Butch and Oswald to leave the nightclub and go to the hospital.

She didn't care how odd it made her look.

She needed to see that Carmine wasn't in any critical condition.

After arriving at the hospital, she was peacefully walking beside them and through the hospital.

She just wanted to see Carmine for herself and determine how badly injured he was.

She only stopped walking when she heard him say from inside of the room he was in, "Hello? Hello?"

Without saying a single word to Oswald, she sped off in the direction of Carmine's voice and eventually, she got to his room.

It was only after Carmine had laid back down onto the table that he was strapped to that he quickly raised his head when he heard Annabelle ask him, "Don Falcone, are you alright?"

Carmine said to her, "Annabelle, you're here."

She nodded her head before she started to look for any signs of injuries.

Just as he was about to say something to her, he suddenly stopped when they both heard the sound of a door opening and looked over to see Oswald coming in with a bouquet of flowers and Butch walking close behind him with a machine gun in hand.

Oswald didn't even bother to glance over at Annabelle, while he entered the room and said to Carmine, "Good morning, good morning."

Carmine let out a sigh, while he said to Oswald, "Oh, Penguin. Thank God. Get me out of here. Maroni's men will be here any minute."

Before he limped over towards Carmine and put the bouquet on his chest, Oswald said with a chuckle, "Yes, I imagine so. Mustn't stay long. I knew I'd regret it if I didn't say goodbye to you in person." After he patted the bouquet, he said, "It was me, old friend. I did this to you."

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