Chapter 17

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Bella's POV

Ever since that night, Andrew and I have been trying to keep things steady. The day after the argument, Andrew and I were acting like ourselves in front of Kara so she wouldn't wonder what happened after she went to bed. Other than that, I've been keeping myself busy in the studio while Andrew was out doing the play. I went to go see and support him on closing night. The fans were excited to see us together as we walked out of the theater and they didn't notice we were kind of being weird with each other which was nice for a little bit. Andrew and I went out to dinner with the cast and his parents and his parents got to meet Kara. She was a little shy at first but got used to their presence.

"Mama, are we there yet?" Kara asked from her car seat.

"Well, look out the window and see." I said as I pulled up into the driveway of my childhood home.

I got out of the car and got Kara out of her car seat as my parents went out of the house to greet us. Yeah we're in Southampton right now for the annual barbeque my family hosts. I did invite Andrew but I wasn't sure if he was coming after everything.

"Hey, where's Andrew?" Mom asked as we let go of our hug.

"He has to do some stuff back in the city but he's mostly sure he'll make it." I lied.

"Oh, okay." Mom gave me a look knowing I was lying. "Just tell us if he's coming."

"I will but hey, I'm gonna go to you know." I told her. "Do you mind watching Kara?"

"Yeah, it's fine. How long are you going to be gone?" She questioned.

"A few hours." I gave her an estimate. "I'll text you when I'm coming home."

"Okay, just be fine." She hugged me. "Not going to take the car?"

"I'm gonna walk. To stretch my legs and clear my mind." I told her.

She nodded and I walked through the gate door. I walked down the familiar sidewalk of my neighborhood admiring the trees that continue to grow and the sun shining down on my face. Making a few turns and walking down a few blocks, I stood in front of the familiar typical white picket fenced house. Opening the gate and walking down the paved path to the stairs of the house I rang the doorbell and waited for one of them to open the door.

"Bella, it's nice to see you." Kathie, Morgan's mom, opened the door.

"Hi Kathie, it's nice to see you." I hugged her before walking into the house. "Is Joseph home?"

"Yeah, Joseph come down! Bella's here." Kathie called down her husband. "Do you want anything to drink? I just made a batch of lemonade."

"Sure, I can't resist a glass of lemonade made by you." I agreed.

She smiled and we headed to the kitchen as she poured me some lemonade in a to-go cup. I thanked her and we sat down on the kitchen stools.

"Bella, what brings you around?" Joseph, Morgan's dad, greeted me with a hug.

"I'm in town for the annual barbecue my family does and I'm on my way to see Morgan." I told them. "I can't believe it's already been eight years."

"We know, time goes by so fast." They both agreed as we looked at the picture of Morgan that's hung up in the kitchen.

That was his favorite place to hang out at. I remembered the late night treats we made while our parents were asleep. It involved me sneaking out of my house and him waiting for me in front of my house on his bike. He didn't want me to walk there alone in the dark.

"How are you?" Kathie asked. "I know you're still making music and were on Broadway."

"Yeah, I'm still making music." I sipped on my lemonade. "How are you guys doing?"

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