Chapter 39

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Bella's POV

Opening up my eyes, I looked over to see the sun shining through the curtains indicating that the sun had risen. Turning over to Andrew's side to see him still sleeping. Quietly getting myself out of bed, I grabbed one of the shirts from the floor and buttoned it up. I walked into the bathroom and started getting ready for the day. It's going to be a long one because it's going to be Kara's first day of school today and while she's at school, I'm going to the recording studio to finally record the song. The band's going to be there and we're recording with a whole orchestra also. Walking out of the bathroom, I saw Andrew already awake and getting out of bed.

"Well, a good morning to you," I walked over to him and gave him a kiss.

"Good morning," he mumbled as he kissed back. "Ready for today?"

"Seeing my baby girl grow up as she starts her first day of preschool?" I raised my eyebrow. "No."

He let out a chuckle and pulled me into his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I hid my face in the crook of his neck. I let out a chuckle when Andrew started to place a kiss on my neck.

"Well, I gotta stop this before I show up to the studio with a hickey on my neck." I got off of Andrew's lap and went downstairs to get breakfast started before waking Kara up.

I popped open the croissant canister and rolled the dough into the shape before popping them into the oven. I turned the kettle on to boil some water so Andrew and I could make some tea since we're both going to be singing today. Andrew soon walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where he greeted me with another kiss.

"I'm going to wake Kara up? Can you make the eggs?" I asked him.

"Sure," he nodded his head and opened the fridge.

Walking up the stairs, I gently opened Kara's door to see her still sleeping. I walked over to her window and opened the blinds before kneeling beside her bed.

"Kara, sweetie," I moved the strands of hair away from her face. "It's time to wake up."

"No," she grumbled more as I let out a laugh.

"Come on, don't you want to go to school?" I smiled as she opened her eyes.

She answered with a shake of her head. "No school. Stay here."

"I know but you're going to have so much fun. Let's get changed," I kissed her forehead and she started to get out of bed.

I packed her backpack and watched her change into the outfit we picked out last night. We left her room after she finished doing her morning routine and headed back down to the kitchen.

"Morning kiddo, ready for school?" Andrew asked as he plate the eggs.

Kara shook her head again as she sat down in her seat at the table and we let out a chuckle. I made Andrew and I our teas while Andrew put the plates down on the table. I placed the travel thermos in front of Andrew and sat down next to him. Throughout breakfast we talked about how much fun Kara is going to have at school, trying to get her hyped up for it. Even though it's just preschool, it's still going to be scary for her.

Putting the dishes in the sink, Andrew and I got our things before the three of us left the house and took pictures. Andrew and I decided to walk to Kara's preschool since it wasn't that far away from our house and the places that we needed to go to. We also wanted to enjoy the nice and sunny August sun before we stayed inside for a few hours.

"Alright," I kneeled down in front of Kara as we checked into her classroom. "This is your classroom, you're going to have so much fun."

I saw Kara shaking her head already knowing what's going to happen. "No, don't leave me Mommy."

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