Chapter 41

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A/N- You know what? Gonna upload a chapter today cause why not? The last chapter is coming this Saturday. Happy Superbowl Sunday y'all if you watch it.

T/W- Mentions of death

Bella's POV

Opening my eyes, I looked over to see Andrew still sleeping. His hair flopped on his face and while his face displayed the bags under his eyes. A pitied look formed on my face as I quietly got out of bed. Gently shutting the bedroom door, I walked into the kitchen of Andrew's England apartment.

These last few days have been rough. Andrew and I have been going to the hospital visiting Lynn for a few hours a day while Richard or Ben and Caroline watch over Kara. We really don't need her to go to the hospital often because of all of the germs and also the state that Lynn's in. She saw Lynn the day after we landed and two days after that. Despite us visiting her everyday, she's been getting worse. Now we're just waiting for the day.

I've been hanging in there but Andrew's taking it the worse out of the three of us. Kara really doesn't know what's happening since we're trying to keep her away from it but if she asks any questions, we try our best to answer them. Andrew, I mean it's his mom. He knows that he's going to lose her soon. Him along with his dad and brother have been talking about funeral preparations and the will as the three of them saw the state Lynn is in.

Looking out the kitchen window at the morning view while sipping on my coffee, I heard tiny footsteps pattering on the floor. Looking over my shoulder, a small smile on my face as I saw Kara walk into the kitchen with her hair tangled up and rubbing her eyes as she carried the stuffed animal that Richard got her a few days ago.

"Morning sweetie," I placed my coffee down on the kitchen counter and squatted down to her level to give her a hug. "Did you sleep well?"

She nodded her head and let out a little yawn. "Where are we going today?"

"We are going to visit Lynn," I told her.

"Is she leaving the hospital?" She asked.

"Um," I looked down on the floor to figure out how to answer it. "No, she's not, sweetheart."

"Why?" She asked.

"Do you remember when Nonno was in the hospital and he was sick?" I asked her.

"And he got better?" She answered.

"Yeah, but with Lynn it's different," I told her and her head cocked in confusion. "She has a similar sickness as Nonno but it's not making her better."

"Can the doctors make her better?" She quizzed.

"They did but not anymore," I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Why?" A curious look formed on her face.

"I wish I could answer that hun," I let out a chuckle. "I wish I could."

Feeling another presence in the room, I looked up to see Andrew standing there.

"Hey, why don't you pour yourself some cereal and we can get ready for the day?" I suggested it to Kara and she nodded her head.

Giving her a kiss on the top of her head, I got up from the floor and headed towards Andrew. I saw the look on his face and knew what it meant. Hugging him, I gave him some words of encouragement and we made a quick breakfast before changing and driving to the hospital. The ride there was silent. Andrew and I knew what was going to happen to today but we're dreading it. Parking the car in a spot, I got Kara out of her car seat and we walked into the hospital to the level where Lynn's room was at.

"Can you give me a minute? I need to talk to Kara about something," I asked Andrew as we reached Lynn's room.

"Sure," he nodded and we gave each other a kiss before Andrew walked into the hospital room.

"Hey, remember that Lynn's really sick okay? Be careful around her. Understand?" I asked Kara who nodded her head.

I gave her a smile and we walked into the hospital room.

"Aw, there's my Kara-bean," Lynn said weakly while giving a smile. "Come here."

I nodded to Kara as she looked at me for permission and she got into Lynn's bed with Andrew's help. Lynn started to talk to Kara and asked her about her day with Richard yesterday. I gave Andrew a comforting squeeze of his hand while we watched his mom and Kara having a conversation. A few moments later, everyone else walked into the hospital room.

"Why don't we grab some coffee and let the kids run around at the park near here?" Caroline suggested it to me.

"Sounds good," I agreed.

We called the kids and told everyone where we were going and to call us if anything happened. Caroline and I grabbed a coffee from the hospital café before walking the kids to the park next to the hospital. While the kids ran around the playground, Caroline and I sat down on one of the benches watching the kids as we sip on our coffees.

"How's Ben doing?" I asked her.

"He's just taking every moment with her in," she replied. "Andrew?"

"It's been hard for him," I replied. "He's taking every moment in but at the same time I feel he's just shutting himself down. How are the kids taking it? I mean they're older than Kara."

"They understand the concept of death but it's their first time losing someone they love dearly. What about Kara?"

"She understands why we're here but how can I explain the concept of death to a five year old? Hell, my grandfather would have died if his cancer were in the later stages. She's just starting to see her own life, I don't want to depress it."

"Just explain it to her in the simplest terms, that's what Ben and I did with the boys." She gave my shoulder a squeeze and I nodded my head.

After a few minutes, I got a text from Andrew saying that his mom wanted to talk to me. I told Caroline where I was going and she stayed there watching the kids. Rushing into the hospital, I went to the room and walked in. Richard, Ben, and Andrew walked out of the room giving us a moment.

"Bella." Lynn grabbed my hand and gave me a smile as I sat down in the chair next to her bed. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing the best I can right now," I lightly chuckled.

"I'm so glad that Andrew introduced me to you. You've been the greatest thing that has happened to Andrew." I sniffed a little while I felt tears forming. "You've brought a side out of Andrew that we haven't seen in a while, you and Kara. I can see the devoted love he gives you and Kara."

"I can see that too," I agreed.

"The two of you are so in love with each other and he treats Kara like she's the daughter he never had," we both shared a laugh. "Promise me one thing. Take care of him. Watch over him after today and in the future. Love and cherish each other and enjoy your time. Life is short."

"We will." Tears were falling down my face but I didn't care. "Andrew is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want to thank you and Richard for that. I love you both."

"We also love you hun, take care of Andrew for me," she smiled and gently placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I will, don't worry," I nodded my head.

"Do you mind bringing Caroline in?" She asked and I nodded my head.

I got up from the chair and headed out of the room. I saw Caroline talking to Andrew as the kids sat tiredly in the chairs, resting up after playing at the park. Telling Caroline that Lynn wanted to see her, she walked away which left Andrew and I watching the kids. Ben and Richard were grabbing some snacks from what Andrew told me. When Caroline left, Andrew immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. As my face hit his chest, I let out a sob as he ran his fingers through my hair while I let everything out.

Only a few hours later, heaven had gained another angel.

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