An Off Day

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A/n- Hi, I'm alive. Just been busy with life and burnout. Sorry that it's been a while but here's a new one shot.

TW: Mentions of death.

Andrew's POV

Waking up to Lynn cooing in her crib through the baby monitor, I got out of the empty bed and headed to her room. Opening the door and slowly opening the shades letting the sun shine through, I walked over to Lynn's crib to see her grinning at me.

"A good morning to you," I greeted her as I picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Let's change your diaper and get some breakfast for you and your sister."

After changing her diaper, I carried her out to the kitchen and placed her down in her highchair where she could see me. Looking through the fridge, I grabbed some of the food that we had left since we were running low on groceries. I could go on a grocery run today but the four of us including some of the cast and crew of Mission are going on vacation since they have a few days off. All of us decided to go to Italy and stay at the winery that Bella's family has.

"Good morning," I looked over my shoulder to see Kara walking into the kitchen still rubbing her eyes. "Sleep well?"

"Yes," she answered.

"Brushed your teeth and everything?" I asked.

She hummed and nodded her head yes as she sat down at the kitchen table trying to stay awake. I chuckled to myself seeing how she's a carbon copy of Bella. Both of them aren't morning people and hate their internal clock for waking them up. Making a quick breakfast, I placed Kara's plate of food in front of her and poured some baby food into a small bowl for Lynn to eat. Putting on Lynn's bib, I started to feed her small spoonfuls while I ate my breakfast.

"Dad?" Kara asked.

"Yes?" I looked at her.

"Can we go see Mommy today?" She questioned.

"We'll see," I told her. "Depends when we're done with our errands and we can surprise her on set. Does that sound good?"

She nodded her head and continued eating her food. Once everything was finished, I cleaned the dishes up after cleaning up Lynn's face with food smeared all over it. Yeah... she might've gotten her hand into the food and started to smear it all over her face towards the end. I told Kara to get ready and dressed for the day. I got Lynn dressed before I got myself dressed.

"Kara, let's go," I called her as I slid on my shoes and threw the diaper bag over my shoulder.

"Coming!" She ran to the front door dressed up with her book bag.

Picking up Lynn from her little swing, the three of us left the house and got into the car. Kara buckled herself up in her booster seat while I clipped Lynn into her car seat. Getting into the driver's seat, I pulled up some music that the girls could listen to while I started driving to the first location of our errands. Last night Bella gave me a list of last-minute things that we needed to get before our trip to Italy and some other things that we've been running out of.

Pulling into the parking space in the parking garage, I got the stroller out from the trunk and got Lynn into it as Kara got out of her seat belt. Putting Lynn in the stroller, I closed the trunk and Kara held my hand as we walked into the mall. Pulling up the list, I started to go into the first store to get some of the things that we needed.

As I shopped while watching the girls, I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out to see Tarzan was calling me.

"Hey Tarzan, what's up?" I asked when I answered.

broadway, baby// andrew garfieldWhere stories live. Discover now