Much Ado But Reminisce

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Chiwa's POV
Ah. Today was a nice morning. Waking up next to my dearest. I turn my head to look over at Lea. He's so peaceful and dreamy when he's sleeping. I can't believe it's been one year since then, when we all met. And I can't believe I almost lost him, just right after I had thought he figured out his feelings for me too. I wonder what Kitsune thought of Vegeta. It must be feelings of love, considering the fact that they were all over each other since then. I believe she and I have found our perfect match. Lea, whom was previously known as Axel, was a Nobody. I'm being serious. Nobodies are these 'unfeeling' types. They have no heart, so there's no feelings or emotions, but he could act them out due to his memories. Vegeta, whom is Prince of the Saiyans, was cold and ruthless, to the point he'd even hurt a child! But, soon after that, he had realized that he is no monster and has boundaries. Lea and Vegeta had found each other first over their quests to find seven of the Dragon balls. Shortly after, they ran into us, whom just happened to have the fourth Dragon ball they had needed. It's been life changing since then. I don't regret any part of it. I shift myself to look to the other side of Lea. The clock on the bedside table reads: 8:00am. It's still pretty early, but I don't want to sleep in this time. Oo, I know! I'll make everyone breakfast! Me? Know how to cook? I'm sure I can manage. Kitsune is better a chef than I am though. It would be her in the kitchen making all these fancy gourmets for us. I just help around by taking stuff in and out of the shelves. How hard could it be? I sit up and slide my legs over the edge of the bed and carefully try to stand up. I don't want to disturb Lea from his sleep. I've learned, he can be quite cranky if woken up distraught. I quietly tiptoe to the bedroom door and slightly turn the knob. I quickly step outside into the hall and quickly shut the door back in place. I hear another door shut behind me. I turn to find Kitsune standing behind me. "Whatcha doing?" I ask her. Not thinking about it, she got startled at the sound of my voice. She turns to look at me. "Oh nothing, just thought I'd.." "Make everyone breakfast?" I finished her sentence. "Yeah, how were you-" "Because I was too." Kitsune starts chuckling. "We are so predictable! And besides! You can't cook, you need my help." I start laughing. This, of course, was true. We both nod at each other and leave the hallway to walk towards the kitchen. "So, just so you know, I was about to cook and surprise everyone, but if I were to do this alone, I'm pretty sure I'd set the smoke alarm off." Kitsune looks at me as if saying 'oh, really?' "Well, I guess I'll cook and you can help me by getting the ingredients I need and putting them away, like usual." "What? No dishes?" I ask with a sarcastic tone. "We'll just leave it to the men of the household." she says while pulling out the frying pan out of the oven. "Good idea. So what are we making for breakfast?" "The usual." she responds.

When They CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora