Totes Avoidance

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Chiwa's POV
Moments later, Kitsune walks back in my room, completely dried off and in normal clothing. "Hey, what do you want to eat?" she asks me. I was in the middle of looking through my closet for something enticing to wear... "Ooo, how about steak?" I say turning to her. She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Uhm, okay. What else would you like to eat?" she asks again. I raise an eyebrow and contemplate my thoughts. "How about lobster?" I ask. "How about I give you the phonebook and you can hire your own personal chef!!" she exclaims whilst giving me a glare and turning to leave. Well meeee-ow to you too, Kitsune. I roll my eyes and return looking within my closet. Let's see. I decipher through each hanger. No. No. No. No. No. Ah! This will do. I grab of what looks like to be a red dress with an open back and a bow that laced around my neck. It also came right down to my mid-thighs. How lovely. Let's see. To show the open space on my back, I'm gonna have to pin my hair up, or else it'd be covering it. I put my hair up in a bun with chopsticks poking through. I then quickly pull the dress over my head and down my naked body. It's fit. Perfect. I slip on my blacks pumps. If this outfit doesn't make Lea crawling back to me, I don't know what will. I leave my room and enter the living room-kitchen area. "So what are we having, Chef Kit?" No answer. "Hello?" I repeat again. Nothing. Okay, something was definitely wrong. Fine. If that's the way she wants to play, I'll join in. I have to. I can't risk the secret getting out. I walk up to Lea whom was now sitting on the middle of the couch. I sit beside him. "Hi! Notice anything about me?" I ask smirking whilst leaning up to him. He slides over to the empty side of the couch. Uhm? Wait. What just happened? "Lea? Do you like my dress?" I ask once more hoping he'd turn to my direction. No answer. I slide over to the previous spot he sat at. He gets up from the couch and walks over to the table. What was going on? Am I being ignored? I couldn't be. I'm one ignores me. "Lea.." I pout looking at him. Seconds later, Vegeta joins our gang in the living room-kitchen area. Kitsune notices and greets him. "Mm, something smells good." he says lifting his nose to sniff in the air. "What's cooking, good looking?" he asks Kitsune. Really? 'Good looking'? For Vegeta to use that language, operation: get the ring must be getting to him. I can't help but chuckle. Kitsune smiles and blushes. "Oh, nothing. Just some mac-and-cheese." she tells him. Oh, okay. So she'll answer him, but not me even though I just asked the same question? Is she mad because I was just stating I was in the mood for steak and lobster? Whatever. "I can eat anything, as long as it's made by you." he tells her trying to be extra sweet. Or, did something happen between them? What was going on? Vegeta then pulls up a chair at the table. He then raises an eyebrow at the distance between Lea and I. I shrug my shoulders. I definitely don't know what's going on. "Hey, Lea. Your woman is looking desperate for you, over there." he points in my direction. Desperate? I raise my arms and give him a look as if to say 'what the hell. I am not desperate.' Lea just shifts his head the other way. Okay, something definitely wasn't right.

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