Dresses and Speedos

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Chiwa's POV
Ooo! Shopping was fun! Just what I needed, after four long hours and 28 dresses. I couldn't find the perfect one. So...after deciding for two of the hours, I managed to buy three. I also bought a gift for Lea, Kitsune, and even Vegeta. I bought a new outfit for Lea because, you know, why not? I bought Kit a beautiful diamond necklace to go with her ring. Vegeta was hard to buy for. I didn't know what to buy him, but I didn't want to come back empty handed, so I got him something Kitsune would enjoy seeing him in. I bought him a navy blue speedo. I figured, have to make their honeymoon all worth while later on. I had lunch by myself, while shopping. It gave me time to think and relax. Soon, I arrived back at the apartment and walk in, hustling and bustling many bags. "I'm home!" I shout, as I return. Kitsune runs up to me and greets me. "Welcome home! Need any help??" she quizzes taking her hand out. "No, I'm good. You can help later though, when I'm picking out a dress." I tell her. She usually goes shopping with me, helping me there. I was left alone to go through choosing and deciding all by myself. "Oh, okay! Can't wait!" she exclaims, giving a smile. I glance around the room. "You outdid yourself!" I applaud her. "Aw, shucks! It wasn't that big of a deal." she says. She's so modest. "Alright, well I'm gonna unload and pack these away. I'll be back." I say, as I leave to head towards my bedroom. "Knock knock." I say, whilst entering the room. Lea turns his attention on me. "Oh, hey! How was shopping?" he asks, pointing to the bags. I throw the bags on top of the bed, next to him. "Oh, it was wonderful. I picked out three dresses." I explain. His eyes get bright. "Oh! Are you wearing them all at once?" he quizzes. I chuckle. "No, silly! Kit is helping me later to decide what to wear for tomorrow." I further explain. "Anyway, I bought everyone a surprise. I'm giving you yours now and the other two's later. But feel free to have a peek inside." I say, pointing to the bag. He peeks in and reaches in. What he pulls out to me, isn't the tux, but rather the speedo for Vegeta. My eyes become wide. "Oh, honey! You shouldn't have!" he exclaims holding it to his chest. I go to take it back, ripping it from his hands. "It's not yours. It's Vegeta's." I tell him. His face scrunches and his eyebrow raises. "Vegeta's? Why?" he quizzes, with a worried face. "I can't tell you that, yet." I say. "Anyway," I say, hoping to change the subject. I throw the speedo back into the bag and reach for the fancy, beige tux. "this is yours." I hand it over to him. "Really? Clothes again?" he asks, taking it. "It's for our date! If I need to look good, you need to too. Afterall, it's you whom forced me to go shopping, remember?" I further explain. His expression goes back to normal. "Oh, yeah. Thanks!" he exclaims. "You're welcome!" I tell him back. I hang up the three dresses in the closet, so they wouldn't wrinkle. They're expensive garments. I then, take the bag with Vegeta's speedo and Kitsune's diamond necklace, expensive as well because real friends deserve real diamonds, and place it deep into my closet. Kitsune then walks in our room. "Hey, you guys hungry?" she asks us. I shake my head and Lea nods his. "Uhm...okay. So...you hungry?" she asks again. "Sorry, I've already ate." I say. "Oh, okay. Lea, do you want to help cook?" she asks him. "Sure!" he exclaims and they leave the room.

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