Unexpected Expectations

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Kitsune's POV:
I drag Vegeta outside. I know he had a temper, but he had no right to punch a guy clear through the window! We walk to the side of the window. "Do you feel better about yourself?" I ask. He snorts "No, the imbecile is still breathing." He says, arms folded looking at the ground. I growl "Vegeta, saiyan or not you can't just go around beating everyone up! Here on earth, we don't annihilate people that do things we don't like, it's wrong!" He grunts and snaps his head towards me. "How could he not see that we were together? Was he that dense that he failed to notice us walking in together? Or the fact that we were with another couple?" He shouts. I take his hand. "I don't know, Vegeta. Earth men are stupid. But what I do know is that I love you. And I know you punched him because you love me back. But I can handle that kind of stuff myself. If I need you to punch a guy, I'll be sure to let you know. Until then, you need to work on your frustrations. Find an outlet. Train more often to blow off steam, perhaps?" I give him the pout and bat my eyes. He can't say no to that look. He growls. "Alright! Now stop giving me that look." I smile and hug him. We head back inside to find a man standing over Lea and Chiwa. "Uh oh." I say as we slowly approach them. "Who did this? And more importantly, who's going to pay for the damages?" The man yells. I assume him to be the head of Burrito Paradise. "I'm terribly sorry, sir." I ask to the man. "My boyfriend has a bit of a temper. One of your employees, the one that's body broke said window, had made comments towards me that upset him." The man's, who's name happened to be Takuya, face became shocked. "Yomi?" He then becomes angry "YOMI! You're fired!" Through the rubble, I heard a voice moan. Takuya turns to us. "I'm so sorry. Here at Burrito Paradise, we don't tolerate that kind of behavior. Don't worry about the window. It'll be coming out of his last paycheck." He says nudging his head towards the hole where the window was. "We can help fix the window, it's really no big deal." I say . He just shakes his head and pulls slips of paper from his pocket. "Nonsense, here take these. They are coupons for a free burrito any size." Lea's eyes widen. If this had been a cartoon, there would've been hearts in their place. "You had me at 'free burrito'." He says snatching the coupons. "Damnit, Lea you greedy bastard! Give me one!" Vegeta then goes to grab one out of Lea's hand. Chiwa and I roll our eyes and sigh. "Thank you again, sir. Sorry about the damage." I say. "Don't worry about it. Enjoy you guys' lunch." He says and walks away. "What the hell was that?" Chiwa asked. "I don't know but I'm not going to question it." I say sitting down. "Hey, is no one going to help that guy over there?" We all look to Yomi, who was still under a pile of rubbish. "Nah." We all say in unison. Lea shrugs and we continue eating. Once we finish, I wave bye to Takuya and we head out the door. "Where to next?" Chiwa asks. I gasp "Let's go to the mall! We haven't all been since we got you guys some decent clothes!" Chiwa and I squeal and the boys groan. "Oh, shut up and come on!" I yell as we take off to do some much needed retail therapy.

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