Cake and Scarlet Faces

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Kitsune's POV:
We head to meet Chiwa and Lea. Little did Vegeta know, while he waited by the door, I picked up a piece for myself. Just incase. We may never get to that point but it's always good to be prepared. He may not even like it. But from the way he was acting the first time we went inside Sekushī, I think deep down he was curious. We finally meet up with Chiwa and Lea who were smiling when they spotted us. "Sooo??" I ask Chiwa. "Soooo?" She repeats. "Whatcha get us?" I say peering into their bag. She slaps my hand away. "No peeking! We will share once we get home!" I snarl and we take off back to our apartment. Chiwa and I both make our way to our rooms with the bags. I need to hide the other lingerie from Vegeta. I don't know what he's doing. "Um...I need to check something in our room." I yell at Vegeta. "Uh-yeah. Me too." Chiwa counters. "With the bags?" The men chime together. "Yep!" We say and close the doors. I hear Vegeta growl. I laugh and shake my head. Way to work on your anger. I decide to stuff the forbidden 'suit' deep within my closet. To a point where Vegeta wouldn't dare rummage through. I hurry and walk back to the living room. We rarely use it, I forget we have one sometimes. Chiwa follows shortly behind me. I sit on the arm of the couch beside Vegeta who was on the couch. I lay my legs across his. Chiwa does the same so we're facing each other. "Alright! Are you guys ready to exchange??" Lea and I cheer 'yes!' while Vegetas is more of a nonchalant grunt. "Are you suuuure?" Chiwa continues. Lea and I repeat the ecstatic yes' while Vegeta snarls his fangs. "I don't think you are." She teases. "Oh for God's sake woman, trade the damn presents!" Vegeta roars. We all just laugh as Chiwa and I exchange bags. Lea looks more excited than she. Oh he's in for a surprise, alright. I wait to open ours as I watch to see their faces. "Come on woman! This is our gift! Maybe I want to see now!" Vegeta says. I shush him and wave my hand. Just like that, Chiwa's smile fades and her face turns red. Lea just looks confused. "What is this?" He looks up at me. And then to Chiwa who was clearly at a loss for words. "Honey, what is this?" He asks. She leans over and whispers in his ear. His expression grows surprised then red to match Chiwa. She tucks the bag away. "Ok, you guys go." She says almost laughing. I open the bag, Vegeta peeking in too. I pull out a bag of Rose petals. "Ooooh." I say. "What the hell are these?" Vegeta asks examining the bag. "They're rose petals, Vegeta." I say pulling out the other items. Which consisted of a candle and a cutely wrapped box of what looked like cake. "What do you expect us to do with Rose petals?" He asks. "They're romantic! Are you that clueless!" I yell. He turns ruby again. "Thank you, you guys!" I say placing the items back into the bag. "And thank you." Chiwa says giving me a 'did really just buy me this' look. "You are very welcome. You two have fun!" I tease hopping from the couch. "Come on, Vegeta, let's eat this cake!" Vegeta gets up, face still inflamed, and follows me to our room.

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