The Morning After

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Chiwa's POV
The next morning arrives. I'm still in Kit's body and she within mine. It feels weird. It feels awkward. It feels like I'm looking at myself through another person's body. Oh wait! I am! Argh. I turn my head to face her, well me. This is confusing. Uh, do I sleep like that?? How embarrassing. When I finally get my body back, I'm definitely rethinking my sleeping habits. I shuffle myself from under the bed sheets to get back up. Still in my lingerie, I see. Well, her lingerie. Ugh. I need to change clothes because I am not, repeat not, embarrassing her or myself, going to the mall looking like this. I get up on my feet. Kitsune still laying stretched out in the bed. I head for the door and quietly sneak out of my bedroom. I pace myself. How do I sneak in the boys' room without alerting them?? I quietly put my hand on their doorknob and turn. I push the door open and look through the creak of the door. Vegeta and Lea were sound asleep in the bed, having layers of pillows between them. How predictable of them. I don't think Lea would mind, but I push the door wider and waltz in, tiptoeing to Kit's closet. I slightly open the door. I randomly pick an outfit. What would she wear? Shorts were one thing, a gray t-shirt, and I quickly grab a bandana from her dresser. Great, all I need are shoes. I close her closet and take a look around the floor. Ugh, found them. Her shoes were on the ground, under Vegeta's side of the bed. Are you kidding me?? I bring myself to the ground in a crawling position. I look at myself in the mirror across from me. Oh yeah, I don't look like I'm ready to pounce one. Not at all. What with me still wearing Kitsune's lingerie and all. I shake my head and bring my attention back to the sandals. I crawl my way to Vegeta's side. The shoes are in my reach, so I quickly grab them, stand up, and head for the doorway, closing the door shut behind me. I quickly run to the bathroom, to change. No offense to Kitsune, but I'd have to pass wearing under garments as the daily clothing. I put on the shorts, shirt, bandana and sandals, thus taking off the pink and white suit. I leave the bathroom and walk back into my room. Kitsune, in my body, is awake now and is sitting up upon the bed. "Morning." I say as I walk in. "It's not a dream, is it?" she asks in my voice. "No, unfortunately." She looks nervous and worried, thus cuddling my legs up close underneath her and lays her head on them. I stand near the doorway. "Look. We'll do as Lea says and go back to the mall. We'll go to the store I went in and talk it out. Everything will be settled, I promise. I'd like to have my own body back to." I reassured her. "Why don't you go change into something of mine? I'll wake the boys up." I say leaving her alone in my room, to go to wake up the men. I wistfully open their door and walk in. Thank god I had already gotten the normal clothing. They were already awake. Vegeta looks at me, arms crossed and afloat. "No, we did not switch back over night, if that's what you're wondering." I say to him. I search for Lea, whom seems to be hunched up over the edge of the bed. "Lea, good morning." I say, poking the back of his head. He grunts. "Lea, wake up." I say once more. No response. "LEA, WAKE UP! THE FASTER YOU'RE AWAKE, THE FASTER WE CAN LEAVE AND FIGURE THIS SHIT OUT!" I scream into his ear. "Holy hell, Woman!!! Do you have to scream!?!?" Vegeta exclaims displeased. "Oops, sorry Vegeta. I guess I was a bit loud." I say putting a hand behind my head. Lea gets up and props himself on his two elbows. "I'm up." he says, whilst yawning. Kitsune bursts in the room, wearing normal clothes, thank god. She wore black sneakers, black pants, a red tank with a loose, white, transparent blouse hanging over. "Where's the fire??" she exclaims worried. I weakly smile and let out a 'heh-heh'.

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