Tacos and Smelly Boys

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Kitsune's POV:
Chiwa finally comes home with arms full of bags. Geez, that girl could shop! I could too but not nearly as vigorous as her. She heads to the room to drop off her things. I start thinking of what to cook for dinner. I haven't fixed Mexican food in a LONG time. Mostly because last time the boys had a 'who could eat the most hot things' contest and it ended with them sucking on ice cubes for an hour. I giggle at the memory and begin laying out the items. Taco shells, salsa, cheese, hamburger meat, very few jalapeño's, and chips. I need help with some of it so I head to Chiwa and Lea's room. "Hey, you guys hungry?" I ask. Chiwa shakes her head while Lea nods furiously. "Uhm...okay. So...you hungry?" I ask again, Just to be sure. "Sorry, I've already ate." Chiwa says then pouts apologetically. "Oh, okay. Lea, do you want to help cook?" I ask. "Sure!" He cheers as he hops up from the bed and follows me into the kitchen. "Mmm tacos!" He says. "Yep! You and Vegeta better not go crazy with the hot stuff again..." He rolls his eyes "We can never have any fun." Boys will be boys I guess. We cook the meat and set all the other contents out. Just as it finished, Vegeta comes home. "Mmm. It smells like tacos." He says with a smile. He was always in a good mood after training. I guess it's a good source of anger relief. He was glistening with sweat. My heart skips a beat every time I see him. I really have missed him all day. "Vegeta!" I shout as I walk towards him. And then I am stopped in my tracks at a god awful smell. "Holy hell! What reeks??" I cry covering my nose. "What? I don't smell anything!" Chiwa comes from her room out of the hallway past Vegeta with a disgusted look. "Shit, Vegeta what did you do??" She says. "Do you people not know the stench of determination? Because that's what's invading your nostrils!" He yells. I roll my eyes. "I'm sure it is babe but how about you take a shower before you eat, huh?" I say shooing him away. "Fine, fix me a plate? And, Lea! Don't you dare eat all of my jalapeño's!!!" Lea sticks out his tongue. I fix Vegeta his plate and then mine. Chiwa fixes Lea's since she wasn't eating. She still sits with us. Lea and I don't touch our food yet. I look to him "you can go. I'm just going to wait for Vegeta." I say sincerely. "Eh, I'll wait too. I'm afraid I'll unknowingly eat all the jalapeño's." He laughs with his hand behind his head. I shake my head. 5 minutes later, Vegeta finally comes out. Hair still damp, but hey at least he smelled good. He wore a tight white long sleeved t shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of loose gray training pants. Why did he have to look so attractive in EVERYTHING?? He sits down and sees that we haven't touched anything. "Why haven't you all started?" He asks picking up his taco. "We were waiting on you to get ready." I say. "And I'm actually not eating but I would've so waited too." Chiwa chimes in. "Well, I guess that's kind of you all." He says taking a bite of taco. I guess that was cue for us to eat. Vegeta tells me how training went. He said he used the gravity machine Professor Brief created which can make the earth gravity go up a certain amount of times than normal. "It's supposed to make you stronger and raise your power level." He said "it can go up to 300. I'm at 150 right now. It won't be long till its cranked up all the way." He continues. I put my head on his shoulder, "I believe in you!" I say. Chiwa tells us about her shopping trip and how she couldn't decide between 28 different dresses. This almost made Vegeta spit out his food "28 dresses?? What the hell would you do with all of them??" He questions. We all laugh "wear them of course. And I didn't say I bought them all. I only chose three. Kitsune! You want to help me pick THE dress out now?" She asks me. "Yes mam!" I yell. She then gets up and hurries to the room. I give the rest of my taco to Vegeta and follow her. I close the door behind me and she starts to undress. I give her a weird look. She senses my stare and looks up at me. "Oh hush, we've seen eachother naked PLENTY of times!" She was right. There have been countless times she or I have walked in on eachother changing, showering, you name it. I sit on the bed, Indian style. She tries on the first dress. It was a black one sleeved, and tight in all the right places. It came right above her knee. She spins. "Well? What do you think??" I clap "I love this! It's so sexy, girl!" She waves a hand "oh, stop." We laugh and she tried on the second. It was a red peasant dress so it wasn't made to be tight in the body, but it was still very cute. Just like the first dress, it came right above her knee. "I like it, but if sexy is what you're going for, I'm still on that first dress!" I explain. She removes it and tries the last, another short dress. It was looser but thin strapped. It was red with little white heart shaped polka dots on it. She gave me a spin and it had a bow on the back right above her bottom. "Hm??" She asks. I put my hands to my cheeks "gah they're all so cute! It should definitely be between the first and last one." I say. She pouts "But which one?" She begs. "Well are you wanting to look sexy tomorrow?" I ask. She thinks for a minute and nods her head. "Yeah. I was trying to find a dress sexier than the red one I wore the other night." I raise my eye brows "Well then that first dress is definitely the winner." I tell her. "What's sexy about a little black dress?" She looks at it. "You're sure it's not TOO reveling? Like I won't look trashy?" She concerns. "Honey, the only thing that is going to look like trash is the other girls in the room." I tell her with the snap of my fingers. She laughs and cheers "Yay! Thank you so much!" She runs over to hug me. I squeeze her back. "What are best friends for?" I say into her hair.

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