Mad Skills

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Kitsune's POV:
I don't know how I managed to block and repel all of those shots! But Vegeta seemed impressed. Mission accomplished! So did Chiwa and Lea who looked shocked after I finished my rounds. Vegeta smirks at me as if to say 'good job'. I nod in response. "Alright time for your next lesson!" He shouts pacing our line. "I'm assuming you guys don't know what these attacks," he makes one of the light orbs "...are. They are called Ki blasts. Anyone can learn this technique." He turns to Chiwa and I. "Even earthlings." Wow! I didn't know us simple earth dwellers could harness such power! As tired as I am, I'm excited to learn this portion. Vegeta continues "This skill takes intense training to learn. If one possess the right amount of willpower, strength, and stamina, with time they can learn how to do this." This time he powers up the Ki blast and shoots it at a boulder. The boulder demolishes into millions of pieces. We all look at eachother in astonishment. Me? I could do that? Eventually? Holy shit. "I don't expect you three to fully master this today. But for now, I'm going to show you the proper techniques through mind and body awareness." Finally. Something that is at least some what relaxing. Mind and body awareness sounds like yoga. I could dig some yoga right now. Vegeta tells us we need to focus on one thing first. It doesn't matter what. So, my one thing is Vegeta. I wonder if his is me...? After that, he tells us that we need to conjure all the energy and power we have within our being. This coupled with certain hand movements, after vigorous training, can be mastered. Vegeta decided to end the training there. All of us quietly cheer. "I can still hear you!" Vegeta shouts. "We will begin where we left off tomorrow." He then says. More of this? Ugh. I know Vegeta has good intentions, but I'm soooo tired. And so is everyone else. We take off. Vegeta and I infront of Chiwa and Lea. "Forget tonight. I want that massage PRONTO." I hear Chiwa say to Lea. "Yes, mam!" He responds. I look at Vegeta, who sensed I was looking at him because he looked down and smirked. "You did good today, Kitsune." He rarely said my name. And when he did it sent butterflies all in my stomach. He continued, "for an earth woman." And feeling gone. Well not completely. He was still trying to be sweet...ish. Ah well. I get what I can. "Well, thank you." I say returning the smirk. "Do I get an award for doing such a good job?" His smirk fades "What the hell is this? Preschool? You want a sticker or something?" And now completely gone. That was nice while it lasted. I frown "I meant like a massage or something, you jerk!" I fold my arms and face forward. He blushes "Oh well, um." He clears his throat. He sighs. "I'll consider it. But only if I get one too!" He shouts. My smirk returns. Victory. I usually get my way with Vegeta. He rarely says no to me. I don't think he can. If us "earth women" know anything it's how to wrap a guy, of any species or dimension, around our finger. Well, for the most part. We arrive back to the apartment. All of us except for Vegeta sigh and groan and stretch. He just rolls his eyes "If you all want to learn the Ki blast, you're going to have to grow stronger and train harder." Chiwa holds a 'thumbs up' in the air. Her and Lea are sprawled out on the couch. Whist I, on the other hand, take comfort face-down on the floor. I look up at the clock we have hanging on the wall. 1:13pm it reads. Jeez we were out there forever! "I'm going to the room." I say getting off of the floor. Vegeta following behind me. "Yeah, we're going to go to ours too." Lea says taking Chiwa by the hand. They were so precious. I wished Vegeta were more public with his affection. We get to our room and Vegeta closes the door behind him. "So, ready for that massage?" He says with a smirk.

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