Breakfast at Kitsune's

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Kitsune's POV:
I wake up to Vegeta's arm around me. I smile and snuggle closer to him. Unknowingly he pulls me closer. I smile even harder. He can be brute and cold at times, but I know a side of Vegeta that no one else does. I feel as though we complete each other. He doesn't like being affectionate too often. Mostly when no one is around. He does when he wants to. Usually if we're smooching or something, Chiwa or Lea always walks in. He turns so red. It's adorable. My stomach growls and I decide to make everyone breakfast. Over this past year I have became the chef of the house because, well, we would all starve otherwise. I kiss Vegeta on the forehead which makes him twitch and frown. Geez even in his sleep he can be grumpy. I pry open his embrace, gently to not wake him, and hope out of bed. Still wearing my t-shirt and sleep shorts, I close the door quietly. When I turn I see Chiwa tip toeing to the kitchen. I creep behind her until she suddenly turns around "Whatcha doing?" She asks softly but still manages to startle me. "Oh nothing, just thought I'd.." I started. "Make everyone breakfast?" She says. "Yeah, how were you-" I ask but she answers with "Because I was too." I start to laugh. We have been around eachother way too long. Chiwa and I have been friend for many years. We have lived together a couple of years prior to meeting the boys. "We are so predictable!" I say "And besides! You can't cook, you need my help." She laughs. I love Chiwa and all but...the kitchen is not her forte. Let's just say the last time she tried making us dinner, Vegeta never heard a smoke detector before...and now we're in need of one. We get in to the kitchen. Chiwa opens the fridge. "So, just so you know, I was about to cook and surprise everyone, but if I were to do this alone, I'm pretty sure I'd set the smoke alarm off." I look at her "We don't have one anymore...remember?" She looked at me with suspicious smile. "I don't know what you're talking about." She laughs. I shake my head and chuckle. "Well, I guess I'll cook and you can help me by getting the ingredients I need and putting them away, like usual." I say taking down the mixes and bowls "What? No dishes?" She asks with a taunting tone. "We'll just leave it to the men of the household." I say with a smirk. She smiles smugly. "Good idea. So what are we making for breakfast, Chef Kit?" I laugh. "Just the usual." The usual means pretty much everything you can think of for breakfast. We do have two grown men that live here and they eat A LOT. Chiwa is particular for what she eats so I make sure and fix more eggs and bacon for her. The men and I can eat the Pancakes and French Toast. Mmmm French toast was my favorite. I'm almost done cooking when Lea walks in. "Hey, you!" Chiwa walks over to him and wraps her arms around his neck to give him a smooch. Lea is so
good to Chi. I'm really glad they're together. "Morning, Lea!" I shout waving a spatula. He laughs "Morning, cook! Vegeta not up yet?" I sit down the last of breakfast. "I guess not. Let me go wake him. If you guys want you can go ahead and make your plates." I take off my apron and walk towards the hall. I slowly creep the door open and walk towards the bed. Vegetas arm is still lying across where I would be laying. His shirt was off, showing his defined muscles. I never thought I would fall I love with a Saiyan. The first one I had ever met, for that matter. I lean over to his ear. "Vegeta, wake up." Nothing. I say it a little louder. He grunts. I take his hand and pat it. "Honey, I made breakfast." His eyes open. I smile. "Morning." He smirks. "What time is it?" He says scratching his head. "Breakfast time!" I say. He rubs his eyes. "Woman, just give me five minutes to wake. I'll be there in a minute. And tell Lea to stay away from my Pancakes!" Vegeta loved my pancakes. I giggle. "Will do." I lean down and kiss him on the cheek. "Now hurry." I start to get up and Vegeta slaps me on the behind. I gasp "Vegeta!" I shout. He chuckles and pulls the cover off of him, getting out of bed. I head back to the kitchen. That man is something else.

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