Sass Gets You Answers

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Kitsune's POV:
I was getting dressed when I heard my voice scream in the next room. I rush into the room to find Vegeta with his ears covered by his hands and Lea still laying in the bed. "Where's the fire??" I shout. Chiwa just giggles. I look back over to the boys and laugh. They made a complete barrier between them. I'm sure that was curtsy of Vegeta. "Are you guys ready or...?" Vegeta, who was floating above the bed, gets down "does it look like we're ready?" He says holding his hands out. He was just in his training pants, which were tight. He had no shirt on which showed off his ripped, chiseled muscles. Ugh. Chiwa and I couldn't switch fast enough. I bite my lip. "Um, hello? Earth to Kitsune??" Chiwa says waving her hands, my hands, in my face. I break my stare and look down at her. Damn, I'm short. I never realized it. Or how tall Chiwa was. It kinda sucks up here. You have to see EVERYTHING. At least at my height you can mind your own business because half the things worth looking at you can't see. "Uh-well get dressed then!" I yell at them. Kitsune and I leave the room and head to the couch. I began to sob. "What are we going to do? What if we never get switched back?" I cry. Chiwa looks at me and puts a hand on my back. "Don't talk like that, Kit. We'll figure this out. Is being me really that bad?" She jokes. This makes me laugh. "Well, no but I would like to love on Vegeta." I slump down. She sighs. "And I with Lea." she leans back on the couch. Just in time, the boys come out of their rooms. Vegeta was wearing a white button up with black pants. His sleeves were rolled just above his elbow. I swear I was drooling. Why does it seem that I am more attracted to him when I can't have him??? It's not fair. We greet them and head back to the mall. When we arrive, we waste no time and sprint to the store, named Just Desserts. We approach the counter and are welcomed by a smiling employee named Sagi. "Hi! How can I help you?" Sagi says. "Cut the act, bud. You know exactly why I'm here." Chiwa demands. Ever since we've switched bodies, she's been extra sassy. I like it. Sagi looks confused. Chiwa makes her voice low. " I bought some roses here yesterday for my friend and I." She nudges her head towards me. " and they held some kind of...magic." Sagi smiles "Ho ho! Magic ay?" And he signals us and the guys and raises his eye brows. I blush. "No not that kind of magic you imbecile! It made us switch bodies!" I yell. Then I jump back at what I just said. I had been hanging around Vegeta too long. Sagi looks puzzled for a minute, then holds up a finger. "Wait here." He disappears into the back room. We form a circle. "Alright, if he doesn't come back, we're going to go, full speed into the back and ambush him." Lea says. We all stare at him with disgusted looks. "Anyone have a plan that isn't completely idiotic?" Vegeta says. "I don't think violence is the way to go with this one." I say. "We want him to help, right? How is beating him up going to make him want to help us?" Vegeta punches his hand "Fear." I shake my head. Sagi returns. We turn to face him. "My manager would like a word with you all." He says and motions us to follow him behind the counter. "Right this way."

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