An Understanding

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Chiwa's POV
So here I am. With Vegeta. Shopping. In a grocery store. With Vegeta. Together. My mind is blown. I'm so mad. Kitsune forced me to go grocery shopping with Vegeta. Why? I have no idea. I'd rather not be here. He doesn't like me for one. And two, he doesn't like me! What's more simpler than that? A minute or two ago, we have arrived at Smart Shop. A grocery store for, as advertised, smart shopping. I roll my eyes at the name. I was the one to push the cart because the one standing beside me has his arms crossed, as always. I roll my eyes at that too. "Do you ever unfold your arms? Or is that how you were born too?" I mock him. Vegeta grunts. "May I remind you why we're here, you idiot? It's so we can get this damned grocery over with and go back home. I'd rather wrap my arms around Kitsune than be stuck here with you." he counters. Whatever. Does he not remember that Kitsune was the one who planned this? "Anyway, we need toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, trash bags, eggs, pancake mix, sausages.." As I'm listing off items from the list, I glance to Vegeta who seems to be staring at some magazine. "Are you even listening??" I snap my fingers in front of his face. He snaps out of his trance. "Of course I was listening. Hello? I am the Prince of-" "all Saiyans. Look, I got it, okay? Can we please just get the items to put in the cart?" I cut him off. His expression looks puzzled, but he leaves and whips around every aisle there is. He comes back with toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, and trash bags. He unloads everything he's been carrying into the cart. I look at him with an eyebrow raised. "You know that's not all of them, right?" I ask. His expression grows dumbfounded. "Well of course I know! I'm not gonna hold my breath while you order me around like your slave. Pick up the rest of the load, Chihuahua." he says, mocking my name. Okay, that's it. I've had it. Does he always need to make fun of my name? "That does it. Look, I only agreed to go with you because Lea couldn't do it because someone fired a Ki blast at him for no reason." Emphasis on the someone. His expression goes aghast, like he's been blamed for something he didn't do. "I have no idea what you're talking about." is all he says. Whatever. I go round the aisles to get the rest of the items we need, plus my sausages. Mm, the only thing that'll make me happy during this trip. We ring up at the cashier and I catch Vegeta taking a glance at the same magazine again. "What are you doing?" I ask him. I turn to face the magazine he was looking at. The picture had an engagement ring on it. Hmph. Why would Vegeta be interested in- WAIT. Oh my gosh. Oh my goodness! Did he? Does he want to? I decide to tease him a little. "You know, she'd love it." I say standing behind him. Vegeta startles. That's a first. He turns to face me. "Wh-what are you talking about?" he says as his cheeks glow red. "Oh please. You can't fool me. I know what your thoughts were staring at that magazine." I further explain. "Yeah? And what was it that I just happened to think about?" he asks. What? No mockery insults? Just a regular question. "I don't know, just maybe, you'd want to propose to a friend of mine..?" I hint at it discreetly. His cheeks grow a deeper shade of red. Aww. He really does want to. Makes me want to plan their whole wedding! They'll be so cute!! "Come on, V. Just admit it." I tell him. His expression fades and returns to normal. "V? Since when were we close enough to have nicknames?" he asks. I half grin. "Okay, so Kitsune's right. I realize if you're gonna end up marrying my best friend, that means I'm gonna have to put up with you for a lifetime because whether or not we all still live in the same apartment or move out, we're still gonna see each other on a daily basis. So even though I know you hate me-" I get interrupted. "Hate you? No idiot. Don't you remember? It's you hating me." he says confidently yet confused. I'm confused. "Okay, I don't hate you. I dislike it when you're a jerk and have high commands, but you treat Kitsune with love and put her on her right deserved pedastal. Which, that alone makes me happy and I've always thought you guys were cute together since the very beginning." I further explain. The cashier is done ringing up our items. We take the bags and talk more on the way out. Vegeta smirks. "Well, you're not bad yourself. That's why I wouldn't mind if you would go with me to pick out a ring..?" he asks unsure of what I'd say. "Aha! I was right!" I exclaim doing a small victory cheer as we step outside. "Alright! I'll go with. We have to plan for a day to though. She can't know. Neither can Lea. He'd tell for sure... It has to be a surprise." he nods his head in response. He half grins. "Thanks, Chiwa." he says. "Yup!" I say, as we take to the skies, flying back to the apartment.

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