The Proposal Part II

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Chiwa's POV
Tonight's date was being held at a steak and lobster shack. Which is funny because just the other day I was craving for steak and lobster. I guess I was getting my wish. "Dear, this is so fancy! Are you sure you can afford this?" I ask. He said he had wanted to pay for tonight. "Yes, honey. Trust me, I have more than you think." he said reassuringly. "May I help you?" the waiter, by the name of Kyouta, comes up to our table and asks. "Yes, I would love to have two of your steak and lobster plates with rice pilaf and fries. I'll have lemonade to drink and coke, no ice for m'lady." Lea orders for us. "Alright! I look forward to serving you." Kyouta turns and leaves our table. "M'lady? Really?" I say in much a sarcastic tone. "That's right. You are my lady and I have to treat you like one." he explains, whilst giving a wink. I reach to grab his hand, over the table. "But I'm already being treated like one." I say in return. "You may be no Prince, but you are the love of my life." I squeeze his hand. "Funny how you should mention that." he mutters in a low voice. He then turns his head. "Oh look! The food's here!" he exclaims. I let go of his hand and turn my gaze upon the sight of food. Delicious food. Mm, I can feel my taste buds tingling. The salivary glands working. Steak was a good choice. I had not had steak in so long. I probably forgot what it tasted like. Kyouta stops at our table, with dishes in hands. "Here you both are." he says setting each plate in front of us. "And here's a glass full of lemonade for the young man," he sets down the lemonade in front of Lea, "and one glass filled with coke, no ice for the lady." he sets the coke down in front of me. "Thank you!" I say with a smile. He gives me a wink in response and turns to leave. Lea pouts. "Awww, is someone actually getting jealous over a little wink?" I tease him. "You wish." he responds giving me a smirk. We both begin to pick up our forks and knives and cut our steaks into slices. I then give my lobster to him, so he can peel off the shell. I don't care if it was dead and already cooked. Something about seafood and crustaceans still freaking me out with their shell on. Lea rolls his eyes as he takes the lobster from my hand. "'s dead." he states. "I's just...oh would you just peel it already?" I say wincing. He lets out a sigh and starts peeling away the shell of the lobster. I start eating pieces of the steak on my plate. It was sirloin, cooked medium rare. I loved it juicy and tender. Yum. Lea had his the same, but was a New York strip. Lea finished peeling the lobster and pushed it back on my plate. "Thank you ever so much!" I tell him in a cutesy voice. "Mhmm." he says, mouth full with steak. Of course his mouth was full. This was Lea we were talking about. I let out a giggle at the sight bestowed in front of me. Lea's mouth was so full with steak and lobster, his cheeks resembled that of a chipmunck. I let out more laughter. "What?" he mumbles. I can't take it anymore. I wave my hand. "Nothing, nothing!" I tell him, forcing myself to stop laughing. "I'm sorry, I have to run to the restroom." I say, leaving my seat and walk to the restroom. I get to the restroom and force myself to stop laughing. Breathe in, breathe out. I wonder if Vegeta proposed yet? I can't wait to get home! Okay, okay. I'm now relaxed. I wash my hands and air dry them as I exit the restroom. I head back to our table and take a seat. "Everything okay?" Lea asks. "Oh, yeah! Everything's perfect." I say with a smile. "I'm happy you said that." he says smiling back. "I have a surprise. I don't want to do it here though. Let's take a stroll after we eat?" he suggests. "Oh my. A surprise for me? Hmm. Well okay! I would love to!" I nod my head. We finish eating our dinner. We were stuffed. Well, I was stuffed. I don't know about Mr. Black-hole beside me, but. We finish paying, he finishes paying, for our meals at the front desk and head out the door. I take a glance at my cell. It read: 8:30pm. Lea and I decide on walking through the park on the way home, choosing not to fly. No one was hardly at the park at this time of night. "Sooo..?" Lea says in a tone that Kitsune would use. "Soooo...?" I mutter back. "Chiwa, how do you see your future?" he nervously asks me. "My future? What's that about?" I ask. "You know, just where do you see yourself? Do you want to settle down, raise a family?" he further explains. "My future? I guess, I mean that does sound nice. Settling down and raising a family. I would love to have that kind of life." I say. Where was this going exactly? He becomes happy. "Oh that's wonderful! know, who do you see yourself raising a family with?" he pries further. I see where this is going. Is he being insecure about our relationship? Was that what this was about? "Lea...what are you getting at?" I try prying more information out of him. Lea gets down on one knee and eyes widen. I was not expecting THAT. "Chiwa, we've known each other for some time now. You've been there for me through the thick and thin and have opened my eyes to what I could be capable of. What I am now capable of, is feeling. Those feelings...these feelings are because of you, and only you. Chiwa, would you please make me even more happy? Would you please marry me?" he says holding out a box, with a heart shaped, ruby gem, and white gold banded ring, out in front of me. I'm shocked. I don't know what to say. I can't speak. I don't know how to speak at this point. How does one make sound through their voice? I have no idea. "Uhmmm..." is all I can mutter. I had no idea about this. I thought it only Vegeta to be doing the proposing in our household. I didn't expect Lea to up his position so quickly. Lea looks at me all nervously, still holding the ring up to my face. I'm terrified. Should I accept it? "I'm sorry..." I mutter. Lea's expression turns sour. "Oh...okay." he says closing the ring box and shoving it back into his pocket. "Look, I'm not rejecting you." I say. He gets back up in a standing position. "I just need some time." I further explain. "If it makes you feel better, I was helping Vegeta get a ring for Kitsune. I wouldn't have thought it would be me getting proposed to at this very moment. I love you, but I need some time to think." "I understand." he says, showing off a slight grin, but more with a saddened expression. I wince. I'm really sorry Lea. I just don't know how to accept right now. With that, we both decide to fly the rest of the way home, not saying a word to each other. The fly home was silent as it could ever be.

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