Kitsune's Resentment

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Kitsune's POV:
Vegeta and I part ways with Chiwa and Lea and head inside the mall. Vegeta is pouting. "Are you just going to act like that the whole time?" I ask him. He huffs and unfolds his arms, one of which I take and hold on to. We walk passed a few stores. "Ok, so apparently we're supposed to be buying something for each other. So let me know if anything catches your eye." He groans. "I don't want you to buy me anything." I squeeze his arm. "Nonsense! Besides, we wouldn't want to upset Chiwa, would we?" He winces. "You're right. Uh- there! Let's go in there." He points to an athletic store. I smirk at him. "Good choice." I say pulling him to the left where the store is. I'm assuming he's thinking of getting some training gear. We are welcomed by a girl. About my height, red hair, petite, and had her eye on Vegeta. "Hi!" She was way to enthusiastic. "Can I help you guys find anything? Wraps? Shorts? Work out equipment? You look like you work out." She looks at Vegeta with a malignant smile. Vegeta wasn't really paying her any attention. He was more so fixated on the contents of the store. "Um no. We're fine, thanks." I say pulling Vegeta away. Her stare was broken and she give me a sneer. Her looks falls back on Vegeta. "Well, let me know if you need anything." He waves his hand "Yeah, yeah." Still not laying his eyes on her. She scoffs and waltzes away. I snort "Can you believe that?" I say as we walk towards the clothes rack. His trance is broken "Did you say something?" I roll my eyes. "That girl over there? The employee. She was so trying to get your attention." He grunts "well it obviously didn't work because I have no idea what girl you're talking about." He says shifting through the hangers. "And the way she looked at you.." I continue. "Ugh, I could've ripped her head off." He stops and looks at me. "What. Did you just say?" I raise an eyebrow. "I could've ripped her head off...?" I repeat slower. He raises an eyebrow. "So it made you... Angry? Correct?" He asks. "Yeah but," and then it hit me. "But I didn't punch her out of a window!" I say. "Oh, you're never going to let that go are you??" He hisses. "Well it kinda just happened 15 minutes ago so, no. Not anytime soon." I counter. He growls and moves on to the work out equipment. "Gah, what is with people today? Is it national hit on unavailable people day?" I say. Vegeta doesn't respond. Too focused on finding something for me to buy him to appease Chiwa's request. "I can't find anything that would improve my training." He snarls overlapping his arms. "That's fine, we'll go to another store." I say taking his arm in mine. We start to head out. "Thanks! Come back soon!" The red headed girl shouts from across the store. I turn around "We don't plan on it." I say just before stepping out the door. We walk a bit until I see a store I would like to go inside, just for giggles, of course. Sekushī or simply, Sexy. It was a lingerie store. I don't need any for I have no reason for it, I just want to see the look on Vegetas face as we walked through it. As expected, his cheeks turn rosy. "Er-um- why have you drug me in here?" He says trying not to make eye contact with me. "So I can get a new outfit, of course!" I tease. He starts coughing as if caught off guard by my response. I start to laugh. "I'm kidding, Vegeta." He turns his head to me. "So you're, not getting anything?" He says almost with a disappointed tone. I give him a confused look. "No? Why?" I respond. He looks around suspiciously "Oh-um-thank God lets go." He says all in one breath as he shoves me out the door. Well that was strange. Did he want me to buy one? It wouldn't get much use. Oh, well. Vegeta is complicated. I wonder if Chiwa and Lea are having any luck...

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