Mission: Completed

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Kitsune's POV:
The morning comes bright and early. Vegeta was already out of the bed dressing. When it comes to training, he wastes no time. "Wow. Is the mighty prince eager to train this morning?" I say wrapping myself with the bed sheets. "You know how serious I take it." He says, back still turned to me. I was feeling extra lovey this morning. "Are you sure you don't want to warm up before you go?" I say in a sultry voice. He slowly turns around and lifts a brow. I could tell he was fighting a serious battle within his self. After staring at me for a minute, he shakes his head "I-I can't. I've already got my gear on." He turns away. "That can easily be removed." I tease. He snaps back around "Dammit woman! Last night you were all for me training!" He shouts. I laugh. "I'm just kidding, Vegeta. Calm down. At least give me a kiss before you leave." He sighs and then bends down to give me a peck. Our lips meet and I grab his head and pull, making him lose his balance "WOM-" he tries to yell and catch himself, but he topples on me. I pull his face harder into mine then let go and push him off. "Ok, I'm good. Thank you!" I give him a smile. He just growls and walks to the door. "Be careful!" I yell. "I intend to!" He responds. "I love you!" I yell louder. A muffled 'Love you too!' Was the last thing I heard before he took off out the door. I sigh. I wonder if Vegeta and I are ever going to get married. Lea and Chiwa although not as aggressive as Geta and I, but I always thought they would get married first. I knew Vegeta loved me. He just had a weird way of showing it sometimes. I've just learned to accept him for him. That's part of loving someone, right? After much debate I decide to get up and get ready. I don't have any reason to dress fancy so, I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with my name on the front. And a bandana of course. I hear rustling in the next room. Lea must be getting ready. Then I hear their door open, followed by mine. I turn to see Chiwa in the doorway. "Where are you going?" She asks "I should be asking you the same." I say. She smiles. "Oh, I'm just going shopping. Wanna come?? I'm picking out an outfit for Mine and Lea's date tomorrow!" She sounds giddy. Awww I love to shop. And I love helping Chi pick out clothes...but I have a duty as a future maid of honor to help her future fiancé find her the most beautiful ring! I decline. "I would love to! But I really need to get some house work done. And rearrange some things." I say not looking up. "Oh. Ok then. Well I guess I'll see you later!" Then she closes the door. I wait for her to open and close the front door then bolt for her and Lea's room. I knock "Lea? Lea! Wake up!" He opens the door fully dressed. "You rang?" I laughed "hurry, let's go. I want to get back before Vegeta and her are finished." He nods and we head out the door. We arrive at the Jewelry store called 'Ring Things for Fancy Kings' geez, what an obnoxiously long name. We are greeted by and employee named, Tsubaki. "Hello! What can I help you with?" I step in "My friend here is looking for an engagement ring for his girlfriend, my best friend. May we take a look at your collection?" She smiles "Certainly! Wow is everyone hearing wedding bells or something?" I look at her confused "Why?" She goes behind the counter and grabs some rings "Just yesterday I had a guy and a girl come in looking for a ring! They bought it, only because they had to. It kinda got stuck on her finger..." I laugh "How embarrassing! Wait, was there nothing you could do about it?" I ask. She shakes her head "Nope. I just sell jewelry- anyways here are our best sellers!" She displayed three beautiful rings, one was a Rose quartz oval cut gem on a white gold band. The other was a heart shaped diamond on gold band. And the other was a heart shaped ruby on a white gold band. Lea looks at me. Ok so we know she wants a heart shaped gem. That narrows it to two. And I know her favorite color is red. But does she like white gold? Maybe we should keep it simple and pure by picking her favorite color. I point to the white gold with the red ruby and shrug. Lea grins and picks it up. He examines it for a minute then hands it to Tsubaki. "This one!" He states. She cheers and prices it for him. I clap "yay!!!" I give Lea a little squeeze. "You did it! She's going to love it!" Lea signs the paperwork and we head out the door. "See, that wasn't so bad?" I say as we take off in the air. "Easy for you to say. You didn't have to pay for it." I laugh and punch his shoulder. "You know she's worth every penny." He blushes. "Yes she is." We get home and I start to "clean" or at least just move everything around so Chiwa doesn't get suspicious. Oh goodness! I'm so excited! I finished switching the couches. Nobody was home yet so I go to Lea and Chiwas room. Lea was trying to find somewhere to hind the box. I stand in the doorway "when are you going to give it to her?" I ask. He turns "tomorrow on our date." I gasp "that soon?? Oh my gosh!" I cheer in the doorway while Lea looks at me strange. I notice him judging me and stop. "Sorry. I'm just so happy for you two. You make her so happy." He smiles. "Really?" I roll my eyes "duh! You're her soul mate!" He smiles harder. "I would like to think so."

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