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Chiwa's POV
Awwwh. How sweet. They're going in the bath together. Even though stuff happened, I would be nervous if Lea and I were about to shower together. Speaking of Lea, "How's your leg?" I ask rubbing my hand up and down his arm for comfort. He turns to me. "It's okay, I guess. Still painful. Kitsune helped me bandage it." he was half grinning. "Oh? Well that's good." I grin back at him. "So...? Tell me. What went down with you and Vegeta today? Inquiring minds want to know." Lea asks with an eyebrow raised and a half smirk on his face. I chuckle. "Nothing went down. Well, except being called Chihuahua again, but that's pretty much it." I say, un-announcing what Vegeta and I had planned to do tomorrow. "Well, you know how Vegeta can be. I wouldn't let it bother you." he says whilst gripping his hand over mine. "Oh, don't you worry. Nothing can ever ridicule my mind." I say laughing. Lea's eyes brighten with an idea. "Oh, hey! I was wondering, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow? Just us?" he asks. Ugh, I wish he didn't. I mean I want to, like I REALLY want to, but I promised Vegeta already that I'd go with him to go ring shopping. How should I say it? I should probably speak now though. If I'm anymore hesitant, he'll know something's up. "I would love to, Lea. But like I just explained to Kit, I can't. I'm sorry." I say with a saddened expression. I know I'm gonna regret this. His eyes shift away from me. "It's alright. Don't worry about it." he says lifting his hand off of mine. Grr, damnit Vegeta! This is all your fault. Lea looks to be hurt and there's nothing I can do about it! "Uhm, maybe..." I start, but don't get to finish. "I think you should just go. I want to be alone." he says still not looking at him. Uhm...did I do something? "I didn't mean to make you mad..." I tell him. No answer. No response. Hm. Well okay then. I get up from the chair and walk to my room. What the hell? Why do I have to get sent to my room just because he can't move from the living room yet? I sit on my bed with the door open. I grab a magazine and just start turning the pages. I hear Kitsune and Vegeta step out of the bathroom and walk towards their door. Except walking in their own room, Kitsune enters my room. "Sup?" I greet her, not taking my eyes off the page. "Sup?" she responds back. "Why are you not in the living room with Lea?" she asks me. I roll my eyes and take the magazine down from my eyes. I look at Kitsune, whom is now sitting on the edge of my bed with a towel around her neck and hair dripping dry. "You're getting water spots on my bed sheets." I tell her avoiding the question. "You're avoiding the question." she tells me. "It's nothing. Lea and I just had our first fight, that's all. It's nothing. You know him, he won't be able to stay mad at me forever." I further explain. Lea really can't stay mad at me forever. Whom was the one who wanted to make amends after he kissed me and made me mad? Not I, certainly. Kit's eyes started to grow wide. "Well, what happened?" she asked. I really don't want to talk about it, but knowing her, I'd be interrogated throughout the whole day. "Nothing. Just Lea asked me on a date for tomorrow, just the two of us and I can't go because..." Kitsune was looking at me waiting for an answer. I can't possibly tell her that I'm going to pick out a ring for her from Vegeta. Think. Think. THINK. " I told you earlier, I have a prior engagement that I can't keep waiting and is something that HAS to get done." I further explain. Wait. Did I just say, ENGAGMENT. Oh, God. I panick. "Oh. Well...what kind of engagement?" she pries further. I snap my head at her. "Um, did I say engagement? Hehe no I meant um..." I really want to tell her, but I promised. "I'm sorry, Kit. It's a secret." I say with a smirk, giving a wink.

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