The Wedding Planner

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Kitsune's POV:
The next morning, I wake up to Vegeta cuddled up beside me with his arm across my body. I give his arm a squeeze and then turn to face him. I loved to watch him sleep. He looked so pure and innocent. Psh. That's the only time he seemed that way. I laugh to myself. This man was going to be my husband one day. I have so much planning to do. I know it's just shy of a year and a half away but I want everything to be perfect. Every girl dreams of this day her whole life. And I'm sure every girl would like her future spouse in on the planning too. I poke Vegeta's face hoping to wake him. "Vegeta" I whisper. He twitches, but no effect. I poke him a few more times "Vegeta." I say aloud. He swats at my hand but still doesn't wake. I grunt. "VEGETA." I say louder gently hitting his face. This worked. "Woman! Why do you insist on waking me in the manner of slapping my face!" He shouts. I giggle "because I miss you when I'm awake and you're sleeping." He sighs, mumbling to himself and flips over away from me. "No, no, no. Seriously, I have a question." I say trying to stop him. He sighs again and flips back over. "What." He snaps. I smile and lay my hand on his cheek. "So you know the wedding is next October..." I begin. He heavily sighs and starts to turn over again. "No no no it's not that, I just want to know what theme or colors you would like to use?" He pulls the covers over his head. "How the hell should I know?? You women are the ones that care about that kind of stuff!" I roll my eyes. His rant continues. "As long as you're my wife at the end of it, everything could be green with red polka dots for all I care!" He shouts, muffled under the blanket. Awww that was kind of sweet, in a Vegeta way. I start to think and then get an idea. "Hm,'re favorite color is blue, right?" I ask. A muscular hand giving me the thumbs up emerges from the lump supposing to be Vegeta. "Ok, well mine is pink. How about we do a royal blue and pink color schemes wedding??" I suggest. He lifts the blanket from his face. "Yes, yes that sounds wonderful, now can we please go back to sleep??" Then he quickly pulls it back over him. I laugh and say nothing else. Glancing over at the clock on our night stand, I see that it is only 8:00 in the morning. Although Vegeta isn't facing me, I still move over and snuggle up to him and fall back asleep. Soon after, we both finally wake up at 10. We walk into the kitchen-livingroom area where Lea and Chiwa were already up eating left overs. "Morning!" I cheer. They both smile and return the morning. Vegeta just grunts, still groggy, and sits in the couch. "It's nice to see you're both alive." Chiwa teases. I scoff "Oh, hush. This is sleeping in for me. Vegeta is having a hard time. It's early for him." I glance over to my sleepy Prince, who sits with his arms, as usual, crossed. I walk over to the fridge and pour me a glass of Juice. "So, have you guys put any thought into your wedding at all?" I ask looking up from my glass. Chiwa and Lea look at each other and back at me. I take my glass back to my seat. "I meant like themes or colors?" I further explain. "Oh!" Chiwa exclaims. "Well, you know how I like hearts? I was thinking a heart theme. And Lea likes it so, I believe we're going with that." I smile. "That sounds wonderful! I believe Vegeta and I have decided on a duo color scheme. Royal blue and pink! Our favorite colors." I look back at him. "Isn't that right, honey?" He grunts. I wish I could throw a bagel or something at him to wake him up a bit. That would be a waste of a bagel though. Chiwa smiles at me. "Those colors sound fun! So you guys have talked a lot about the wedding?" She asks. I shake my head. "Not really. We've just got the scheme and the date." I sip on my juice. Lea pipes up "Oh! What day??" He asks. "Next October on the 24th!" I tell him grinning. "Why that October 24th?" Chiwa asks. That was a really good question. My smile fades to confusion. "I...I don't really know. Vegeta is the one that picked it out." I turn to Vegeta, who was leaning forward rubbing his hands together. The others stare at him too. I could tell it was bothering him. He looks up. "What the hell are you three looking at??" He says. "Why October 24th, Geets?" Lea asks. He sighs. "Hit wa my fahers birthday." He mumbles. "I'm sorry honey. I only heard 'birthday'." I say. He sighs more heavily. "It was my fathers birthday." He says loudly. I pause. Vegeta doesn't really talk about his dad much. And I don't really ask. I don't think they had that good of a relationship. I'm sure that alone as been hard on him. Probably where a lot of that anger comes from. "Awww...Vegeta...." I sympathize. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever." He crosses his arms and turns his head. I try to change the subject a little. "Sooo, you guys haven't picked a date?" They look the eachother again. I take another sip of my juice and sprout an idea. "Ok, so I know it's just about a year and a half away, BUT what if. Now, stay with me. What if we got married on the same day???" I suggest. Chiwa winces and looks to Lea, who's eyes widen in excitement. I continue, "Not at the same time of course. One could get married earlier in the day and the other, later. That way we could still do our themes and whatnot." Lea loves the idea. "Oh my gosh that sounds so sweet! All of us friends engaged and married at the same time! What do you think, honey??" Lea says as he turns to asks Chiwa. She halfway smiles. "That sounds great." She practically mumbles. I laugh "Well don't get too excited or you might pass out again." I tease. Lea looks at me shocked and Chiwa starts to laugh. I even heard Vegeta chuckle behind me. Judging by Chiwa's face, I'm going to get a stern talking to later, but it'll be totally worth it. My best friend and I are getting married in the same day! Set your calendars! Next October 24th, you will get to say hello to the new Mr. and Mrs. Vegeta Reddo as well as the new Mr. and Mrs. Lea Flynn! Now, let the planning begin!

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