The Ending Before The Beginning

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Chiwa's POV
OMG!! Kitsune and Vegeta's wedding were so cute!!! I turned next to face Lea. His eyes were tearing and a water freck or two leaked down his cheeks. Was he crying??? Awwwwh!!! I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers together. He looks down at me. I smile at him and reach up to kiss his tears. I can't believe this was really happening. Kit and Vegeta had already gotten married. In three hours, it would be me and Lea's turn. I'm nervous. Really nervous. I wonder if Lea is nervous as I am. The big moment is actually happening. The day of all days. Here. Right now. About to start in three hours. We need to prepare. Still holding Lea's hand, we walk up to the beautiful newly weds. "Hey! We're gonna go get ready for our wedding." I tell them. Kitsune looks at me aghast. I can tell she was living in the moment. "You need any help?" she asks me, with a worried look bestowed on her face. I shake my head. "I got this." I tell her. "Besides, the only thing you need to worry about is having a good time with your hubby for a few. Byeee! See you later!" I say to them before I take off to the dressing room, with Lea. We leave the two lovebirds to finish their meal and walk to the conveniently placed chapel right across where Kit and Vegeta had their wedding. Lea and I arrive at our dressing rooms. "Alright! This is where we part ways!" I exlaim. He grips his hand tighter in mine and starts to fidget. "Nervous?" I ask. "A little..." he responds. I unlatch my hand from his, to give him a hug. "Look. There's nothing to be nervous about. We're only getting married. It's not like we're unraveling each other's clothes in plain sight." I tease him, whilst nudging him in the arm. With this, he chuckles a bit. "Yeah, you're right. I suppose." he responds. Lea then eyes me up and down. "Wow..." "What?" I ask. Was something wrong? "Nothing. You just look so beautiful and you're not even in your wedding dress yet." he says, eyes overjoyed with admiration. "Stooop. You can't make me cry yet. Wait till after our wedding." I state. He smirks and embraces me into a tight hug. After a moment, we separate to enter our own dressing rooms. I first put on my makeup. I loved a good dramatic look on the eyes, especially one that's for a wedding. My own wedding at that. I also don't usually wear fake eyelashes, but today was an exception. I glue them on the base of my eyelashes and add mascara to blend them in together; to make them look more real and attached. I then grab the dress from the couch and unleash it from it's containment. It was a red, tailed, fine embroidery dress with white sleeves that hung loosely over the shoulders and a white sash around the waistline. I gently slip it over my head and tug it down my figure. It was so pretty and fit. I can't even imagine what Lea will think. I had bought red stilettos that matched the dress. They were dazzling, but the question is: can I walk down the aisle without tripping in them?'s possible. I just have to take it slow. I then walk over to the vanity and sit down on the bench once again to do my hair. I think I'll wear my hair in a side pony, having the tail drape over the neck of my shoulder. I also decide to wear a red heart clip in my hair. Cuuute!!! I am pretty much obsessed with myself right now. I wonder what Lea's wearing. He didn't show me his tux that he had bought. This should be interesting. And what is he going to do about that hair of his?? I mean I love his hair, don't get me wrong, but it IS our wedding day. A one time occasion to do something different for a change. I take a look at the clock on the wall. Only thirty more minutes till the ceremony starts. This should be the time where everyone is piling in the hall to get to their seats. Lea and I have decided to get married indoors. Which reminds me...did Lea even invite anyone of his friends or family? I don't think he did. Did he even have friends or family? I'm not sure. I invited my family. That was it, basically. I guess our wedding will be smaller than we thought. Oh gosh!!! I hope he doesn't forget the rings. I really want this day to be unforgettable. It's a BIG day, afterall. Alright, five more minutes to starting time. I get ready to leave and prepare myself at the starting gate for my arrival. The doorman hands me my bouquet, which had little hearts of all colors poking through. Ugh. So cute. Yep, I chose an awesome theme. Good job, Chiwa. You're welcome, Chiwa. Oh my gosh. The theme song is playing. It's time for me to walk down the aisle. I'm nervous, I'm anxious, I'm ready. Let's go. The doors open and I start gliding down the aisle. As I approach, I see Kitsune and Vegeta standing next to each other, staring me down with blissful smiles. I see Lea gaze at me with the same smile as well. Eeeep!!! Super adorable! His spiked up hair was held still in a pony on the back of his head, with a few strands hanging down on each side of his face. He was in a white tux, with the inside all red. His neck tie was white as well. Well, I'm just glad it's not that stupid black cloak. I just might be held responsible for killing him on the spot. I finally get to the front. Before stepping up, I quickly hand my bouquet to Kit. As the reverend gives the speech, all I can think about is how attractive Lea looks right now and that we're soon to start our new lives together. "Do you Lea Flynn, take Chiwa Tsukashi to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The reverend asks Lea. "I do." he says, whilst slipping on the gold band onto my ring finger. "And do you, Chiwa Tsukashi, take Lea Flynn to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asks me. "I do." I say slipping on the gold band on his ring finger. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." the reverend says for the last time. Unexpectedly knowing it, he pulls me towards him into a dipping motion and pushes his lips onto mine. He then pulls me back up in a calming manner. I look to Kitsune. She was overjoyed for Lea's surprise attack on me. I look to Lea, whom then takes my hand in his and we run down the aisle, with rice and petals being thrown down at us. We then enter the ballroom, with everyone flailing behind us. We wine and dine with a toast to both of the newly wedded couples and Lea flying face first into the cake. Everything turned out to be pretty great. I am now Mrs. Flynn. Kitsune is now a Mrs. Reddo, still with her original last name and we were both in love with the two greatest men we've come to know. I can honestly not wait for what comes next.

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