Fighting Inner Demons

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Kitsune's POV:
I shouldn't be thinking this way. I'm just overwhelmed with so many emotions right now. I'm happy that Chiwa and Vegeta are close now, I'm excited to be discussing getting Chiwa a ring with Lea because she deserves one, but I'm also weary of the weirdness that has went on since their grocery trip. And then after that, Chiwa asked him to help her pick up those damn rose petals. By themselves. I could've went. I'm able to move and pick up things. I sigh. You're just overthinking, Kit. Don't do that because that does worse than good. Another weird thing is that Vegeta is being extra loving. Normally I would be ecstatic that my little hardass Prince was being sweet, but it's with awfully convenient timing. As if he feels guilty perhaps? Ugh no Kit. There you go over thinking. Chiwa is your best friend and Geta loves you with everything in hope. You snuggle closer to him on the couch and try to put those thoughts behind you. I break the silence "So I signed back up for martial arts classes." I say. Vegeta turns to me almost hurt "Was my training not good enough?" He says. I look at him with condolences, "Honey," I put my hand on his shoulder "you were a wonderful teacher. But we haven't done any training in a month and I need to get back into it." I laugh he pouts with arms crossed "sorry..." I hug him. "Chiwa, would you like to come to?" I ask "they start tomorrow and I can bring a friend!" She looks at Vegeta who was looking back at her. She looks back towards me. "No, not tomorrow. Maybe next time? I have...errands to run." She says with a worried grin. Hmm...that's not suspicious at all. "Alrighty." I say closing the subject. "I'm going to take a shower." I say getting up. "Vegeta? Would you like to join me?" His face turns bloodshot. "Woman, are you not capable of cleansing yourself??" He asks "nope." I tease pulling his arm. He sighs and follows. We get inside our bathroom and close the door. "Don't complain. There are worse things in life than scrubbing my naked body." I laugh. He smirks. I undress, turn on the faucet and hop in. Vegeta follows. He didn't completely undress. He just wore his training suit. It was water resistant. I squirt some shampoo into his hands and turn around so he can lather it in my hair. "So, I'm assuming you and Chiwa are on good terms now?" I say. "Yeah. She actually isn't so bad. I see how Lea can tolerate her." I roll my eyes. "So are you guys like, best friends now?" He runs his fingers through my hair. "I wouldn't call her 'best friend' but definitely friend." I put conditioner in his palm and turn back around. I grab the soap and a cloth and start scrubbing my body. "So are you guys going to start hanging out a lot..." I pry. He stops. "What's with all of the questions?" He asks. I slowly turn and laugh looking at the bottom of the shower. I shake my head "it's nothing. I'm just being dumb." He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my face to his. "Chiwa and I are slowly becoming friends. So we may spend a little more time together. But that's only to get to know one another better." He smiles and I grin back. "I don't know if you know this but, we're doing this for you." I wrap my arms around his neck. "For little ol' me?" I bat my lashes. This makes him chuckle and we kiss. With the water pouring on our heads, soaking wet, and me half naked. That gave me some relief. I still have my worries but they won't have to come into play anytime soon...I hope.

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