Operation: Get The Ring (For Chiwa)

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Kitsune's POV:
Lea and I set out the food. Ugh I'm so hungry. We get it all laid out when Geta and Chi decide to come out. At the same time. Weird. "Hey honey!" Chiwa cheers and walks over to Lea. "Heeeey." He pulls out her chair for her to sit down. So sweet. "Everyone dig in!" He chimes. Vegeta and I hog all the sesame chicken while Lea and Chiwa munch on the steak. Chiwa and I use our chop sticks while, I'm pretty convinced the boys just vacuum the food into their mouths. "Lea, did you answer my request of sushi rolls?" Vegeta asks, left cheek filled with food. Lea's eyes grow wide. Then he sits back and smiles "Um, whoops, sorry Geets. I kinda have a lot on my mind." Vegeta growls and finishes his chicken. I chuckle at the boys. They are so funny. And I know what was on Lea's mind. Which reminds me, I need to ask him what time we're going to the jewelry store. And more importantly, how are we going to to slip out without the others knowing? "Are you going to finish that?" Vegeta points to my last bite of chicken. I throw my hands up giving him the ok. He grabs it and gobbles it up. Where does it go? After we finish, I offer to help Lea do the dishes so we can discuss the game plan for tomorrow. There were only glasses and (unused) silverware, so I didn't mind. Chiwa and Vegeta go to their bedrooms. I make sure it was clear. "Ok, so you remember we're going tomorrow, right?" He looks at me puzzled. "Going where?" I put my face in my palm. I love Lea as a brother but he could be quite dense at times. "To get the ring...?" He makes his mouth in an 'oh' shape. "There we go! Now, do you have at least an idea of what she would want??" I ask scrubbing a glass. He winces "I...was hoping you did..." He says rinsing the glass. I roll my eyes "ugh Lea....has she at least mentioned anything she may like in jewelry or anything like that?" He thinks for a minute. And gets an idea. "She loves hearts. Anything heart shaped!" Well I know this. She's my best friend. "Ok there's a start. I guess we'll just go from there." We finish up the dishes and head to our rooms. I go in my room to find Vegeta slamming the drawer of his night stand. "Woman! Don't you know how to knock??" He yells. I scrunch my eyebrows "It's my room too..?" I snap. "What? Are you afraid I'll see you in the nude?" I tease. He grunts with his arms crossed. I float over to where he sat and pull his arms out of position. "Do you ever not have them crossed?" I say softly. He just grunts again. I can tell something was bothering him but I choose not to pry because his stubborn self wouldn't tell me anyways. "So, I was thinking, you should go train tomorrow." He perks up. "Train? Why the sudden interest in my training?" I debate in my mind telling him about Lea getting Chiwa a ring, what with them becoming friends and all. I decide against it. "Um...because I learned a lot from class today and I want to show you my moves. But I don't want to hurt you too bad..." I say. He laughs. "Oh, is that it now?" I nod "mmmmhmmm." He wraps an arm around me "I guess I should freshen up a bit on my techniques then." I cheer internally. One down, one to go. I hope Lea is doing good on trying to keep Chiwa out of the house, or at least unknowing up what we're doing.

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